I am trying to do something like this - it involves taking a json::iterator through some json objects, and getting their keys and values for entries. I want to use the values (i.e. it.value() and mit.value()) as arguments to other functions...
json result;
json inboundMessage = ...;//determined at runtime
json savedMessage = ...; //determined at runtime
for (json::iterator it = inboundMessage.begin(), mit = savedMessage.begin(); it != inboundMessage.end() && mit != savedMessage.end(); ++it, ++mit) {
json pair;
pair.emplace_back("log", it.value());
pair.emplace_back("data", mit.value());
result.emplace_back(it.key(), pair);
return result;
When I build, I get the following error:
'nlohmann::basic_json<std::map,std::vector,std::string,bool,int64_t,uint64_t,double,std::allocator,nlohmann::adl_serializer>::basic_json(nlohmann::basic_json<std::map,std::vector,std::string,bool,int64_t,uint64_t,double,std::allocator,nlohmann::adl_serializer> &&) noexcept': cannot convert argument 1 from 'std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>>' to 'std::initializer_list<nlohmann::detail::json_ref<nlohmann::basic_json<std::map,std::vector,std::string,bool,int64_t,uint64_t,double,std::allocator,nlohmann::adl_serializer>>>'
What is the correct way to access the value referenced by an iterator such that the value can be used by code?