This is a Simple SQLite wrapper in php. Most of the SQL commands have been simplified as php functions. The Wrapper automatically creates an ID column for all the tables so u dont have to add it later. The Code is still a bit buggy. Feel free to edit.
Usage : $db = new DB("sqlite-database.db"); //initiaziles the database.
To get any table from the DB use,
$table = $db->getTable("table-name"); //return false if no table is found.
To Create a new Table use,
$db->createTable("new-table",array("column-name-1"=>DB::$TEXT,"column-name-2"=>DB::$INT)); //DB::$TEXT , DB::$INT are types, More types can be added and updated in the schema checking.
To add a new Row to the Table use,
$table->addRow(array("column-name-1"=>"value 1","column-name-2"=>2));
To get a Row by ID use,
$row = $table->getRowByID(1); // 1 is the id and row is a php array.
To get a Row by Checking other fields,
$rows = $table->getRowsByField(array("column-name-1"=>"value 1")); //array can have multiple fields, $rows is a php array.
To update a Row with ID use,
$table->updateRowByID(1,array("column-name-1"=>"new value 2")); //array can have multiple fields.
To remove a Row with ID use,
$table->deleteRowByID(1); // 1 is the id of the row.
To remove a Table with name use ,
$db->deleteTable("table-name"); // table-name is the table name;