Detection data, alerts and live gps tracking in one place.
Access data from the criminal detection database and also track suspects using realtime GPS tracking. Alert other officers of the city using the alert feature and many other incredible features.
Available for Android.
A few of the things you can do with Jatayu:
- Login securely using biometric auth.
- Click and upload doubtful scenarios and suspects.
- Alert the city police about wanted suspects.
- Track on-alert suspects
- Preview criminal data
- Search for detections all across the city.
- Available in mutiple languages
- Easily search for any criminal or detection
- Niveth Saran V J
- Indra Kumar V
- Srinath R
- Sneha S S
- Keshav Ramaiah
- Saiharsha Balasubramaniam
- Clone or download the repo
- Use Android Studio to import the project as a android app
- Create a account in firebase and enable FCM and Firebase Auth
- Download firebase google-services.json file and save it in the app directory
- Ensure that the app and firebase are connected
- Create a maps api key and integrate it into the app
- Create a AVD
- Run the app
- Use logcat to log and debug errors in the application
The app is divided into 4 packages namely
- Activities
- Fragments
- Adapters
- Services
- Utils
Activities and Fragments contain backend code for connecting frontend with backend. Adapters contain the code for all lists and recycler views. Services contains code which deals with all background processes and notification handling for alerts. Utils package has basic code utilities for checking internet connection, FCM Tasks etc.
Thanks to Smart India Hackathon for supporting us by giving us this wonderful oppurtunity and mentoring us to become better developers.