Pro-Slang is a prolog interpreter written in java. It is a port of prolog interpreter written by L. Allison of Monash University. Full article about the same is available at
Program ::= [rules] query
rules ::= rule [rules]
rule ::= atom. | atom <= literals.
terms ::= term [, terms]
term ::= ident | numeral | ident(terms) | IDENT
query ::= ? literals.
literals ::= literal [ and literal ]
literal ::= atom | not atom
atom ::= ident | ident(terms)
parent(chacko, wilson).
parent(wilson, kuttan).
grandfather(X, Y) <= parent(X, Z) and parent(Z,Y).
?grandfather(chacko, kuttan).
witch(X) <= burns(X) and female(X).
burns(X) <= wooden(X).
wooden(X) <= floats(X).
floats(X) <= sameweight(duck, X).
? witch(girl).
Knight Sir Bedevere provides complete reasoning for above logic in this video
- This was motivated and influenced by the guidance of my guru Praseed Pai
- Knowledge to port from pascal to java where largely from by Sinsinan