Diogenes.el strives to be a complete interface to P. Heslin's Diogenes that allows to browse and search the TLG und PHI Greek and Latin databases from within Emacs, as well as to lookup words at point in the lexica that come with Diogenes. Unkike the previsus version of this package, it now uses custom perl scripts to communicate with Diogenes' perl API and tries to cover it entirely. For a collection of command line scripts and perl modules that offer similar functionalities, see my DiogenesUtils.
Please make sure that you have a working installation of Diogenes. After that, copy the diogenes.el someplace in your elisp load path, e.g. to ~/.emacs.d/elisp (make sure that this folder exists and is in the load-path list, like so:
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elisp"))
Now require it and set the path to the diogenes-libary-path variable to the "server" subfolder of your Diogenes installation:
(require 'diogenes)
(setq diogenes-library-path "/path/to/diogenes/server)
Or, using use-package (with some handy key-bindings)
(use-package diogenes
(setq diogenes-path "/path/to/diogenes/")
("C-c d b g" . diogenes-browse-tlg)
("C-c d b l" . diogenes-browse-phi)
("C-c d b i" . diogenes-browse-ddp)
("C-c d d g" . diogenes-dump-tlg)
("C-c d d l" . diogenes-dump-phi)
("C-c d d i" . diogenes-dump-ddp)
("C-c d s g" . diogenes-search-tlg)
("C-c d s l" . diogenes-search-phi)
("C-c d s i" . diogenes-search-ddp)
("C-c d l l" . diogenes-lookup-latin)
("C-c d l g" . diogenes-lookup-greek)
("C-c d p l" . diogenes-parse-latin)
("C-c d p g" . diogenes-parse-greek))
- Search the corpora with M-x diogenes-search-tlg, M-x diogenes-search-phi or M-x diogenes-search-ddp
- Browse the corpora with M-x diogenes-browse-tlg,
diogenes-browse-phi and diogenes-browse-ddp. This opens the text
in the Diogenes Browser Mode. Here,
- load the next page of text by going to the next line at the end of the buffer (diogenes-browse-forward)
- load the previous page of text by going to the previous line at the start of the buffer (diogenes-browse-backward)
- toggle the citations with C-c C-n (diogenes-browser-toggle-citations)
- remove hyphenations with C-c C-- (diogenes-diogenes-browser-remove-hyphenation; call it with a prefix to mark the deleted hyphens with a vertical bar)
- reinsert the hyphenations with C-c C-+ (diogenes-browser-reinsert-
- Parse and/or look up the word at point in the dictionaries (diogenes-lookup-greek, diogenes-lookup-latin, diogenes-parse-greek, diogenes-parse-latin)
- Dump whole works from the corpora with M-x diogenes-dump-tlg, diogenes-dump-phi, diogenes-dump-ddp
- Convert dates between BC/AD and olympiads with diogenes-ol-to-ad and diogenes-ad-to-ol