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skivvies edited this page Sep 3, 2013 · 25 revisions

This page is now focused on software development. If you are not a software developer there are many ways to help out, see our Get Involved page.


While Lantern is currently a small group of core developers our goal is to make it a truly collaborative open source project, with contributors from many organizations and countries.

If you aren't familiar with open source development processes we highly recommend you read Producing Open Source Software (available for free but don't hesitate to buy the book, it's written by a friend of Lantern). We try to follow the best practices it lays down, so is a great primer on how we work.

The first step is to check out our CONTRIBUTING file for relevant information and then get started. We follow standard github model of contributors submitting pull requests and then having core authors review.

We have a development list to communicate. Though the majority of our communication happens in tickets, feel free to 'watch' the project in github and you'll be notified of all we're doing. And don't hesitate to introduce yourself on the developers list, we can find tasks you might be interested in.

You can also sign up to help us triage issues on CodeTriage:

We have some developer documentation that is a bit hidden right now, as we are transitioning to a better system. But if you go to the index the ones marked [developer] will give you some information. And if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask on the list.

Lantern decisions are made by all core developers, and we welcome anyone who contributes sufficiently to development to become a core developer and help decide the future of Lantern.

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