Collects data from RuuviTag sensors to SQLite, InfluxDB and other databases.
Based on but modified heavily for my (and hopefully others') use case.
Copy the file example-config.yaml
to $HOME/.config/ruuvitag-collector/config.yaml
Add the MAC addresses and human-readable names of your RuuviTags into the config file
under the ruuvitags
"CC:CA:7E:52:CC:34": Backyard
"FB:E1:B7:04:95:EE": Upstairs
"E8:E0:C6:0B:B8:C5": Downstairs
If you want to save data to local SQLite database, add the following options to your config file:
enabled: true
file: /home/pi/ruuvitag/ruuvitag.db
If you want to save data to InfluxDB (local or remote), add the following options to your config file:
enabled: true
host: localhost
port: 8086
database: ruuvitag
measurement: ruuvitag
username: root
password: root
Then install poetry and the required packages:
sudo pip3 install poetry
poetry install
Now you can run the collector manually:
$ poetry run python3 -m ruuvitag_collector
Set crontab to run the collector automatically every 5 minutes:
Add this line to the /etc/crontab file
*/5 * * * * poetry run python3 -m ruuvitag_collector > /home/pi/ruuvitag-collector/collector.log 2> /home/pi/ruuvitag-collector/collector.err