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Re-imagining the Realworld REST API, while splitting its functionality in microservices with Quarkus

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Re-imagining the Realworld REST API, while splitting its functionality in microservices with Quarkus.

The build system

The build system is Maven and is configured by a set of properties and profiles, as follows:

Build properties

The following properties are local to an environment; they can be specified as -Dpropname=propvalue command line arguments, or placed in a local Maven profile in ~/.m2/settings.xml.

  • database.user.url, database.article.url, database.comments.url: The JDBC URL of the database for the respective microservice
  • database.user.username, database.article.username, database.comments.username: The DB user name
  • database.user.password, database.article.password, database.comments.password: The DB password
  • kafka.bootstrap.servers: The Kafka bootstrap servers for that environment
  • (TODO) db.env (default: dev): Needed only by Liquibase to indicate which environment-specific contexts will it activate; e.g. dev will activate the data-dev context



Both profiles use Postgresql. One is to run the entire application through docker-compose, in which case Kafka and Postgresql are in the kafka and postgres hosts - see realworld-v2-docker/docker-compose/docker-compose-postgres.yml. The other is to run only the peripherals in Docker - see realworld-v2-docker/docker-compose/docker-compose-peripherals-postgres.yml.

Build profiles

  • article-dbupdate, user-dbupdate, comments-dbupdate: Execute Liquibase to bring the respective database up-to-date
  • test-h2: This will activate the DAO tests, using an in-memory H2 database (currently h2 is the only DB option)
  • article-quarkus-dev, user-quarkus-dev, comments-quarkus-dev: Activate quarkus:dev for the respective microservice; do not use together in the same command (naturally there is no problem running them in parallel, as long as they run from different shells)
  • docker: Activating the Docker image build

All properties, except the db type (quarkus.datasource.db-kind) are set to dummy values in the configuration files and overridden at runtime by command-line arguments. For the Quarkus dev mode, check out the jvm.args property in each of the microservice pom.xml files. For running in Docker, check out the env-<project> files in docker-compose/.

Updating dependencies

The versions of all dependencies are controlled by Maven properties in the form version.<uniqueId>, where <uniqueId> is a unique identifier for the dependency, preferably the artifact id, but anything unique and sufficiently descriptive will do. All version properties are defined in the parent pom. As such, detecting updates is as simple as running (-N for non-recursive build, since all version properties are in the parent pom):

mvn -N versions:display-property-updates
mvn -N versions:display-plugin-updates

If a dependency is left behind for a reason, please add a comment in the parent pom.


Creating/updating the DB

Decide the database to use and make sure Maven picks up the corresponding properties.

Assuming that the properties are defined through a Maven profile, e.g. like the following in ~/.m2/settings.xml:

mvn process-resources -Particle-dbupdate,user-dbupdate,comments-dbupdate,realworld-v2-local

Otherwise, you have to specify the properties by command line:

mvn process-resources -Particle-dbupdate,user-dbupdate,comments-dbupdate -Ddatabase.article.url=... -Ddatabase.article.username=... -Ddatabase.article.password=... -D...

Building the JAR artifacts

mvn clean package -Ptest-h2

You can omit test-h2 to skip the DB tests.

Building the native artifacts


Building the Docker image

Building the Docker images occurs during the package phase. It is not active by default; activate it with the docker profile. I.e. the Maven command line should be amended as follows:

mvn ... package -Pdocker,...


mvn clean package -Ptest-h2,docker

Docker compose

There is a docker-compose file under realworld-v2-docker/docker-compose that can be used to start the collaborating applications: Zookeeper, Kafka and Keycloak with a predefined domain. Make sure the images are built first!

Docker compose needs some environment properties files, one per microservice (env-article, env-comments, env-user). Place these files under the realworld-v2-docker/docker-compose directory. The corresponding template files (e.g. env-article-template) provide instructions on how to create the env files by hand. For convenience, these files are created when building the docker images, under the target/docker/ directory of the corresponding microservice project (e.g. cp realworld-v2-comments-module/realworld-v2-comments/target/docker/env-comments realworld-v2-docker/docker-compose/). For even more convenience, run the script from within the realworld-v2-docker/docker-compose directory, after building the project and before executing docker-compose up.

There are several flavors of the docker-compose file:

  • docker-compose-h2.yml: Start everything, using embedded H2 (DEPRECATED)
  • docker-compose-h2-peripherals.yml: Start only the peripheral applications (e.g. Kafka, Keycloak), using embedded H2 (DEPRECATED)
  • docker-compose-postgres.yml: Start everything, using a single separate Postgres instance as database
  • docker-compose-postgres-peripherals.yml: Start only the peripheral applications (e.g. Kafka, Keycloak), using a single separate Postgres instance as database

To run e.g. the postgres/full flavor:

cd realworld-v2-docker/docker-compose
docker-compose -f docker-compose-postgres.yml -p rwl up -d    # the first time
docker-compose -f docker-compose-postgres.yml -p rwl start    # to start
docker-compose -f docker-compose-postgres.yml -p rwl stop     # to stop
docker-compose -f docker-compose-postgres.yml -p rwl down     # to remove the containers, without removing the persistent volumes
docker-compose -f docker-compose-postgres.yml -p rwl down -v  # to remove the containers, also removing the persistent volumes


You have to build first! At least mvn ... install is required.

Development launch, assuming the profile realworld-v2-local is defined in settings.xml as above:

cd realworld-v2-article-module/realworld-v2-article
mvn quarkus:dev -Particle-quarkus-dev,realworld-v2-local

Likewise for user:

cd realworld-v2-user-module/realworld-v2-user
mvn quarkus:dev -Puser-quarkus-dev,realworld-v2-local

Launching through IDE

When launching through IDE make sure to:

  1. Activate the profiles as above
  2. Let the IDE "Resolve Workspace Artifacts" (this is IntelliJ - what about Eclipse, Netbeans?) - this way you no longer need to mvn install, just mvn package


Assuming you have started the docker-compose-postgres variant:

Register a user to Keycloak

Go to http://localhost:8580/realms/realworld/account/ and enter the data for a user.


Re-imagining the Realworld REST API, while splitting its functionality in microservices with Quarkus






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