- Main goal of this project is to learn rust language.
- Secondary goal is to create a cli that allows time logging from the terminal.
# add a log entry for a given issue
rusty log 1h3m task-12 "worked on stuff"
# show work log entries.
rusty show
rusty show today
rusty show yesterday
# show total hours for the time period
rusty hours today
rusty hours yesterday
rusty hours 2019-01-20 2019-02-19
Log command should allow user to add a work entry with minimal typing effort.
Command should be used to log time after the work has been completed so the Begin time will be current time - the time spent on this work log.
Name | Required | Description |
time-spent | Yes | Time spent on the task can be provided as 1h or 30m. |
issue | Yes | Issue Key or Id of the ticket form the project management system. |
comment | No | Comment should be used to described what has been done. |
when | No | Defines when work has begun. By default current-time - time-spent |
Below is the usage text for the log command
Log command allows you to create a work log for a specific issue.
rusty log [OPTIONS] <time-spent> <issue> [comment]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-w, --when <when> When did the work started
<time-spent> How much time was spent on this worklog. Examples: is 1h or 1h30m or 30m
<issue> Issue Key for this worklog. Examples: PROJ-1234
<comment> Describe what you have done
In order to connect to Jira url and api key need to be configured. This version stores credentials on file system in plain text.
Config command allows to change some of the settings
rusty.exe config --jira-api-key <jira-api-key> --jira-host <jira-host> --jira-username <jira-username>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--jira-api-key <jira-api-key> api key for the jira account that will be used to log time.
--jira-host <jira-host> url to the jira instance
--jira-username <jira-username> username for the jira account that will be used to log time.