The application shows various ionic UI components such as cards, sliders, footers, ionicons, etc
How to run the code You will need Ionic set up on your system, preferably V3.20.0 or higher, and an IDE like Brackets, or Text editors like Atom, sublime Text.
Clone the repository on your local machine.
navigate to the source directory i.e ionicboilerplate and run command 'ionic serve' or 'ionic serve -c'(if you want to see the output on ionic Devapp)
A new browser window should open up displaying the application, running on your machine's local host.
Modify the code to add new currencies.
The application code was developed in Ionic version V3.20.0
The application was successfully tested on Android and iOS device using Ionic DevApp version 8b57745
This application was successfully run on google chrome v 67.0.3369.87