Synthetic Data curation for post-training and structured data extraction
Duke Machine Learning Virtual Summer School 2021
Code for AAAI 2019 paper: Graph Representation Learning via Ladder Gamma Variational Autoencoders
A simple probabilistic programming language.
Code for ICML2020 paper - CLUB: A Contrastive Log-ratio Upper Bound of Mutual Information
NitroML is a modular, portable, and scalable model-quality benchmarking framework for Machine Learning and Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) pipelines.
An unofficial userspace driver for HID++ Logitech devices
Repository for course materials for ECE 590 Scalable Reinforcement Learning
Scalable Gromov-Wasserstein Learning for Graph Partitioning and Matching
Code for "How to Train Deep Variational Autoencoders and Probabilistic Ladder Networks"
Implementation of VLAE
TikZ library for drawing Bayesian networks, graphical models and (directed) factor graphs in LaTeX.
NumPy implementation of infinite latent feature model (aka Indian Buffet Process or IBP)
Representation learning on large graphs using stochastic graph convolutions.
Implementation of Graph Auto-Encoders in TensorFlow
Collection of generative models, e.g. GAN, VAE in Pytorch and Tensorflow.