Clear all the irrelevant distraction from your web page for an enjoyable reading experience.
Stop getting annoyed/distracted by the bright colors, the weird styling, the distracting suggestions, the uncanny images, or the pre-loaded videos on the pages. One click on the clear page icon will remove all the distractions and will leave you with an essential and readable web page. A truly pleasant Internet browsing experience.
Now, you can enjoy long reads of your favorite blogs, sports sites (ESPN), news sites(WSJ, NY Times, BBC, Guardian, CNN, HuffingtonPost, Forbes, Bloomberg), Reddit, Quora, Wikipedia, Google, Yahoo!, Tumblr, Myspace, Yelp, and other websites.
This extension is developed by @vipl0ve and @nids0810. We would love to hear from you about this chrome extension. Also, let us know if interested in becoming one of the collaborators.
Download the Clear Page chrome extension here.
This chrome extension will impact the following elements -
Basic HTML tags | h1 to h6, p |
Formatting tags | cite, code, i, q |
Forms and Input tags | form, textarea |
Images tags | img, map, area, canvas, figcaption, figure, picture |
Audio and Video tags | audio, source, track, video |
Style tags | div, span, header, footer, main, section, article, aside, details, dialog, summary, data |
Programming tags | script, noscript, applet, embed, object, param |
Links tags | a, link, nav |
Frames tags | frame, frameset, noframes, iframe |
- An Options page to customize the extension and add your our own preferences including fonts, background color, and text color.
- A Developer website which will include more information about how this chrome extension works and FAQs.
- Any bug fixes which we will receive from our users.