TyRemote (Telegram + Python + Remote) is a remote control tool for laptops. It allows you to control your PC with a Telegram Bot. You can:
- shut down
- sleep 💤
- get location 📌
- controls the multimedia (volume, play, pause, ...) 🎵
- take webcam photo 📷
- take a screenshot 💻
- lock/unlock 🔓
- and check your PC status
It is compatible with Windows and Linux. Note that I built this program for personal purposes, may not be compatible with all Linux distributions. See later the VirtualPC section.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
Clone this repository and run this command to install all dependencies
$ pipenv install --ignore-pipfile
It requires that on Linux you have "iwlist", "iw" and "awk" installed. And on Windows "WifiInfoView.exe" (see below).
Besides, it is required to have installed the dependencies related to the implementation of VirtualPC.
First, you create a new Here API key by following these steps.
Next, create a new .env
file with the format:
Last, you need to create a cron that runs the TyRemote.py
script with administrator privileges when starting the laptop.
I want to add 🤔 the next functionalities to TyRemote:
- Full Windows compatibility
- Upload and download files from Laptop
- File system navigation
- Record a video from the webcam
- Run CLI commands
TyRemote uses the next dependencies:
- pyTelegramBotAPI (see here)
- python-dotenv
- requests
- pyautogui
- opencv-python
- psutil
- iwlist.py (see here). It is included with the source code in this repository.
And it is built-in Python 3.
TyRemote requires a Telegram Bot to works. You can create one by following the steps below. Further, it is necessary to know your Telegram chat' id, for this you can use bot @getmyid_bot.
To locate your laptop TyRemote uses the Wi-Fi networks and/or the public IP. It first scans all nearby networks and sends this to the HERE Network Positioning API v1 to get an approximate location. If it fails, locates the PC using ip-api.
Note: In Linux the program uses iwlist that require root permissions.
For some commands like shutdown, their implementation is different on Windows and Linux. To facilitate its implementations, I created the VirtualPC class that defines the methods that you must implement to achieve compatibility with your system. Currently, the program has an implementation for Xubuntu using:
- amixer to control volume
- xdotool to control multimedia
- systemctl to shutdown and sleep.
In windows, to get Wi-Fi networks TyRemote uses WifiInfoView.exe. You can download it from here and copy it.
I am not currently aiming to achieve a professional tool, this is only for simple uses, but this does not limit you to contribute by submitting pull requests for improvements and bug fixes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.
It does not include the file iwlist.py
of the repository that does not specify a license.