A collection of Aalborg University LaTeX-templates
Lollimon, a monadic concurrent linear logic programming language
Original LLF implementation (typechecher + operational semantics) from 1997
An implementation of substructural intuitionistic logic focused on forward chaining
A foundational framework for modular cryptographic proofs in Coq
An F* interactive mode for the atom editor
An interactive mode for F* in VS Code
Material for the elective "DevOps, Software Evolution and Software Maintenance" at IT University of Copenhagen, spring 2023
The Caml Light implementation of the Caml language
Jargon from the functional programming world in simple terms!
A collection of information, notes and resources about courses given at the institute of computer science (DIKU) at University of Copenhagen.
Visualises the internal data structures of different Java Map implementations
An encoding of monads in the Java Language
Exercises and Answers for Java 8 Lambdas book