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What is ansible-sshd? Build Status

It is an Ansible role to:

  • Install OpenSSH Server
  • Configure OpenSSH Server

Why would you want to use this role?

Often times you want to disable root logins and password based logins. This role sets those options by default but it also exposes most config values found in the sshd_config file.

Supported platforms

  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial)
  • Debian 8 (Jessie)
  • Debian 9 (Stretch)

Role variables

# To view what these variables do, check out:

sshd_port: "22"
sshd_listen_address: ["::", ""]
sshd_allow_groups: []
sshd_protocol: "2"
sshd_host_keys: ["ed25519", "rsa", "ecdsa"]
  - ""
  - "ecdh-sha2-nistp521"
  - "ecdh-sha2-nistp384"
  - "ecdh-sha2-nistp256"
  - "diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256"
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""
  - "aes256-ctr"
  - "aes192-ctr"
  - "aes128-ctr"
  - ""
  - ""
  - ""
  - "hmac-sha2-512"
  - "hmac-sha2-256"
  - ""
sshd_use_privilege_separation: "yes"
sshd_key_regeneration_interval: "3600"
sshd_server_key_bits: "1024"
sshd_syslog_facility: "AUTH"
sshd_log_level: "INFO"
sshd_login_grace_time: "120"
sshd_permit_root_login: "no"
sshd_strict_modes: "yes"
sshd_rsa_authentication: "yes"
sshd_pubkey_authentication: "yes"
sshd_authorized_keys_file: "%h/.ssh/authorized_keys"
sshd_ignore_rhosts: "yes"
sshd_rhosts_rsa_authentication: "no"
sshd_host_based_authentication: "no"
sshd_ignore_user_known_hosts: "no"
sshd_permit_empty_passwords: "no"
sshd_challenge_response_authentication: "no"
sshd_password_authentication: "no"
sshd_gss_api_authentication: "no"
sshd_gss_api_cleanup_credentials: "yes"
sshd_x11_forwarding: "yes"
sshd_x11_display_offset: "10"
sshd_print_motd: "no"
sshd_print_last_log: "yes"
sshd_tcp_keep_alive: "yes"
sshd_max_startups: "10:30:100"
sshd_banner: "none"
sshd_accept_env: "LANG LC_*"
sshd_subsystem: "sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server"
sshd_use_pam: "yes"

Example usage

For the sake of this example let's assume you have a group called app and you have a typical site.yml file.

To use this role edit your site.yml file to look something like this:


- name: "Configure app server(s)"
  hosts: "app"
  become: True

    - { role: "nickjj.sshd", tags: "sshd" }

Let's say you want to white list only users belonging to the deploy group, you can do this by opening or creating group_vars/app.yml which is located relative to your inventory directory and then make it look something like this:


sshd_allow_groups = ["deploy"]

Now you would run ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts site.yml -t sshd.


$ ansible-galaxy install nickjj.sshd

Ansible Galaxy

You can find it on the official Ansible Galaxy if you want to rate it.
