You will need Docker and Docker Composer installed locally.
1 - clone the repository: 2 - execute docker: docker-compose up 3 - Open postman 4 - Import postman collections from the repository
You can explore the API freely and navigate via the response messages, or you can use the automated tests.
To run the automated tests, be sure to do it before navigating the api, or delete the docker volume(docker volume rm "docker.mysql.container") before testing, to make sure the database its in the expected state
To run the automated tests:
5 - Click on Movie API Collection 6 - Click on Run 7 - Move all the delete requisitions to the BOTTOM of the run order, keep them in the following order:
Delete Evaluation
Delete Movie from Wishlist
Delete Wishlist
Delete Movie from Watchlist
Delete Watchlist
Delete Post From Group
Delete User from Group
Delete Group
Delete User
The tests expect most crud operations to suceed, and some to return 406 status.