I added an Aqua Computer Quadro to my setup and noticed that both its temperature reading and reported fan RPM values were incorrect in Grafana. I checked with Libre Hardware Monitor and FanControl as well as HWInfo64, all report correct values while OhmGraphite seems incorrect.
The observed behavior is very confusing since the reported value seems to lag behind its actual value. Example: The water temperature starts out correct at ~22 degrees C and stays at that level for a few minutes while the water is actually already heating up to say >30° C. Then, while all other programs are reporting the water to cool down to ~28°, it is reported at >30° in Grafana. At some point, it catches up but only keeps it at 30° for a while, while it actually already is at 27-28°. Similar behavior can be seen for the RPM reporting.
Sometimes, values randomly jump or drop to zero.
In the following image, you can see the water pump's speed (yellow) and the reported flow (blue). Other tools have it at zero for a few minutes already (which might be a problem on my side), but OhmGraphite still reports a different value for a while, then jumps up and drops to zero.
Now, since other programs are agreeing on the same values and restarting the OhmGraphite service does trigger jumps to "correct" values, it seems like some sort of wrong reading of the data? Maybe not reading enough of some buffer? Since it's using LibreHardwareMonitor under the hood, I'm not sure how that would be when their app works fine.
Happy to test out things and report back!