Software Engineer at London Bridge
- Brasil
- @nicholasess
- Pro
Modern SaaS landing for your real estate business
ChadNext - Quick Starter Template for your Next project includes Next.js 15 App router, Shadcn UI, LuciaAuth, Prisma, Server Actions, Stripe, Internationalization and more.
Dashboards and notebooks in a single place. Create powerful and flexible dashboards using code, or build beautiful Notion-like notebooks and share them with your team.
A curated list of awesome things related to shadcn/ui.
Automatically opens your browser and iOS Simulator to preview Node.js email messages sent with Nodemailer. Made for @forwardemail and @ladjs. Cross-browser and cross-platform email testing.
Storybook add-on to enable SWC builds.
Astroship is a starter template for startups, marketing websites, landing pages & blog. Built with Astro & TailwindCSS
gcal/outlook like calendar component
A Chakra UI themed wrapper for the popular library React Select
Using Tailwind CSS + Next.js + TypeScript Like a Pro — Integration?
MailingUI is an open source collection of email components and templates
Use Tailwind CSS to style PDFs created with react-pdf
Plataforma gratuita e open-source de ensino de programação
Architecture decision record (ADR) examples for software planning, IT leadership, and template documentation
Um repositório que ajuda a compreender os aspectos teóricos e práticos do Pensamento Computacional!
Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.
Espaço para divulgação de vagas relacionadas com React
Next generation testing framework powered by Vite.
⚡ Initial template for web3 projects that will use the Solana + Next.js stack
Steps component designed to work seamlessly with Chakra UI
A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies (jobs) in tech.