Flawless, CPU-bound, video capture utility with no frame drops. Originally developed for streaming graphics.
program must be installed on server- puppeteer javascript library - https://pptr.dev/
- install with
- install with
npm install puppeteer # install requirement into node_modules directory
./record-parallel (url) (width px) (height px) (RESERVED) (RESERVED) (output video format) (number of chunks)
- pass anything for "reserved" arguments - they are placeholders to make the chunk recording parameters match the subprocess parameters for less confusion.
- TODO: fix this
- webm
- mp4
- mp4 x264 codec does not support transparency
- mp4 x264 requires even sizes of pixels for width and height of video
- mov
- raw RGBA PNG frames in MOV container -> high memory usage, source quality video
- this solution optimizes really well. by breaking it into pieces, the parts could even be completed on multiple servers!
- works by updating the offsets of all videos / animations while running
- steps through frame by frame and stitches together a video at the end
- sets offset of each video playing on the page to the current timestamp
- recording is actually possible on CPU-only servers!
- this takes more time. approximately 1 minute to download a five-second 1080 video using 16 cores
- supports animated GIFs and animated PNGs (APNG)
- breaks each animated GIF or APNG into multiple images which are replaced within the browser using data URLs
- GIF and APNG extractor program is passed input from within javascript and retrieves the output images from filenames
- uses hooks to handle
callbacks when needed for recording - able to break into chunks and record in parallel for speed
- the last few chunks are smaller than the rest in order to optimize workflow and CPU usage - practical fine tuning
- export a PNG for each frame. use parallel processes to generate different "chunks" starting at offsets
- stitch them together using
- no support for different framerates of animated PNGs - assume 30 FPS