This project provides an implementation of a simpler and different version of coin change problem. Using coins of values 1 and 2, we count all possible ways to make changes from a bill of n. The solution is based on scala tail recursion.
val n5_count = combiFun(5)
n5_count = 8
Using 1 and 2, there is 8 ways to decompose the number 5 as following:
"enum" : {
1. 1+1+1+1+1
2. 1+1+1+2
3. 1+1+2+1
4. 1+2+1+1
5. 1+2+2
6. 2+1+1+1
7. 2+1+2
8. 2+2+1
For n=50, n50_count=20365011074
Elapsed time: 133.966 s
This time must be compare to the implementation that uses loop
Note: The tail recursion implementation of combiFun(n) reuses the memory stack and avoids the common out of memory exception.