Yet Another Serialization
- YAS is created as a replacement of boost.serialization because of its insufficient speed of serialization
- YAS is header only library
- YAS does not depend on third-party libraries or boost
- YAS require C++11 support
- YAS binary archives is endian independent
- binary
- text
- json (not fully comply)
- GCC : 4.8.5, ... - 32/64 bit
- MinGW: 4.8.5, ... - 32/64 bit
- Clang: 3.4, ... - 32/64 bit
- Intel: (untested)
- MSVC : 2015, ... - 32/64 bit
- limits
- message versioning
- std::array
- std::bitset
- std::chrono::duration
- std::chrono::time_point
- std::complex
- std::deque
- std::forward_list
- std::list
- std::map
- std::multimap
- std::multiset
- std::optional
- std::pair
- std::set
- std::string
- std::tuple
- std::unordered_map
- std::unordered_multimap
- std::unordered_multiset
- std::unordered_set
- std::vector
- std::wstring
- boost::array
- boost::chrono::duration
- boost::chrono::time_point
- boost::optional
- boost::variant
- boost::container::deque
- boost::container::string
- boost::container::wstring
- boost::container::vector
- boost::container::static_vector
- boost::container::stable_vector
- boost::container::list
- boost::container::slist
- boost::container::map
- boost::container::multimap
- boost::container::set
- boost::container::multiset
- boost::container::flat_map
- boost::container::flat_multimap
- boost::container::flat_set
- boost::container::flat_multiset
- boost::unordered_map
- boost::unordered_multimap
- boost::unordered_set
- boost::unordered_multiset
- boost::fusion::pair
- boost::fusion::tuple
- boost::fusion::vector
- boost::fusion::list
- boost::fusion::map
- boost::fusion::set
- yas::intrusive_buffer (only save)
- yas::shared_buffer
- K3: K3 is a programming language for building large-scale data systems
- cppan: Class members annotations for C++
- iris-crypt: Store Node.js modules encrypted in a package file
- GeekSys company: GeekSys is using YAS to serialize features from images