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Paul Spangler edited this page May 9, 2019 · 3 revisions



DataType type




Represents the different data types for a SystemLink tag.

Bool constants


A boolean tag. Bool tags support collecting aggregate values for the count.

DateTime constants


A date and time tag that stores values in UTC ISO 8601 format. DateTime tags support collecting aggregate values for the count.

Double constants


A 64-bit floating-point tag following the IEEE standard. Double tags support collecting aggregate values for the min, max, mean, and count.

Int32 constants


A 32-bit signed integer tag. Int32 tags support collecting aggregate values for the min, max, mean, and count. The mean is represented as a double.

String constants


A string tag for arbitrary values. String tags support collecting aggregate values for the count.

UInt64 constants


A 64-bit unsigned integer tag. UInt64 tags support collecting aggregate values for the min, max, mean, and count. The mean is represented as a double value and will truncate large values.

Unknown constants


An unknown or invalid data type. Not a valid input to API calls, but used to represent tags whose data type isn't recognized.

IAsyncTagQueryResultCollection type




Represents a paginated list of tags returned by an asynchronous query.

CurrentPage property


Gets the current page of tag results that were last retrieved from the server, or null if there are no more results. Use MoveNextPageAsync to get the next page of results.

TotalCount property


Gets the total number of tags matched by the query at the time the query was made.

MoveNextPageAsync() method


Asynchronously retrieves the next page of query results from the server, returning them and updating CurrentPage. Does nothing if the last page has already been retrieved. Use ResetAsync to start again from the first page.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains the next page of results, or null if there are no more results.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

ResetAsync() method


Asynchronously queries the server for a fresh set of results, returning the first page and updating CurrentPage and TotalCount.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains the first page of results, or null if there are no results.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

IBufferedTagWriter type




Represents an ITagWriter that buffers tag writes instead of sending them immediately. Writes that utilize automatic timestamps are based on the system time when buffered. Implementations may provide automatic sending of buffered writes based on different conditions. Unsent writes are discarded when the instance is disposed.

ClearBufferedWrites() method


Clears any pending writes from Write.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the writer has been disposed.

SendBufferedWrites() method


Writes all of the pending writes from Write to the server. Does nothing if there are no pending writes.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the writer has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

SendBufferedWritesAsync() method


Asynchronously writes all of the pending writes from Write to the server. Does nothing if there are no pending writes.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the writer has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

ITagManager type




Represents common ways to create, read, and query SystemLink tags for a specific server connection.

CreateSelection(tags) method


Creates an ITagSelection that initially contains the given tags without retrieving any additional data from the server.


The created selection.

Name Type Description
tags NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData[] The tags to include in the selection.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any of the given tags is null or has an invalid path.
System.ArgumentException if tags contains duplicate tags.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.

CreateWriter(bufferSize) method


Creates a tag writer that buffers tag values until SendBufferedWrites is called or until bufferSize writes have been buffered, at which point the writes will be sent automatically.


The created writer. Dispose of the writer to free resources.

Name Type Description
bufferSize System.Int32 The maximum number of tag writes to buffer before
automatically sending them to the server.
Name Description
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if bufferSize is less than one.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.

CreateWriter(maxBufferTime) method


Creates a tag writer that buffers tag values until SendBufferedWrites is called or until maxBufferTime time has past since buffering a value, at which point the writes will be sent automatically.


The created writer. Dispose of the writer to free resources.

Name Type Description
maxBufferTime System.TimeSpan The amount of time before writes are sent.
Name Description
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if maxBufferTime is less than one millisecond.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.

CreateWriter(bufferSize,maxBufferTime) method


Creates a tag writer that buffers tag values until SendBufferedWrites is called, bufferSize writes have been buffered, or maxBufferTime time has past since buffering a value, at which point the writes will be sent automatically.


The created writer. Dispose of the writer to free resources.

Name Type Description
bufferSize System.Int32 The maximum number of tag writes to buffer before
automatically sending them to the server.
maxBufferTime System.TimeSpan The amount of time before writes are sent.
Name Description
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if bufferSize is less than one.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if maxBufferTime is less than one millisecond.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.

Delete(tags) method


Deletes one or more tags from the server.

Name Type Description
tags System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData} The tags to delete.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if tags contains null tags or ones with invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Delete(paths) method


Deletes one or more tags from the server by path.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} The paths of the tags to delete.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

DeleteAsync(tags) method


Asynchronously deletes one or more tags from the server.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.

Name Type Description
tags System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData} The tags to delete.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if tags contains null tags or ones with invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

DeleteAsync(paths) method


Asynchronously deletes one or more tags from the server by path.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} The paths of the tags to delete.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Open(paths) method


Queries the server for the metadata for the given tag paths and returns the results in an ITagSelection.


The created selection with Metadata containing the metadata.

Name Type Description
paths System.String[] The paths of the tags to include in the selection. May
include glob-style wildcards.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any of the given paths is null or invalid.
System.ArgumentException if paths contains duplicate paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Open(path) method


Queries the server for the metadata of an existing tag. The call fails if the tag doesn't exist.


Information about the tag.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to open.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Open(path,type) method


Queries the server for the metadata of a tag, creating it if it doesn't already exist. The call fails if the tag already exists as a different type than specified.


Information about the tag.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to open.
type NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The expected data type of the tag.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty.
System.ArgumentException if type is invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Open(path,type,create) method


Queries the server for the metadata of a tag, optionally creating it if it doesn't already exist. The call fails if the tag already exists as a different type than specified or if it doesn't exist and create is false.


Information about the tag.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to open.
type NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The expected data type of the tag.
create System.Boolean True to create the tag if it doesn't already exist, false to fail if it doesn't exist.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty.
System.ArgumentException if type is invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

OpenAsync(paths) method


Asynchronously queries the server for the metadata for the given tag paths and returns the results in an ITagSelection.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains the created selection with Metadata containing the metadata.

Name Type Description
paths System.String[] The paths of the tags to include in the selection. May
include glob-style wildcards.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any of the given paths is null or invalid.
System.ArgumentException if paths contains duplicate paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

OpenAsync(path) method


Asynchronously queries the server for the metadata of an existing tag. The call fails if the tag doesn't exist.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains information about the tag.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to open.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

OpenAsync(path,type) method


Asynchronously queries the server for the metadata of a tag, creating it if it doesn't already exist. The call fails if the tag already exists as a different type than specified.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains information about the tag.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to open.
type NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The expected data type of the tag.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty.
System.ArgumentException if type is invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

OpenAsync(path,type,create) method


Asynchronously queries the server for the metadata of a tag, optionally creating it if it doesn't already exist. The call fails if the tag already exists as a different type than specified or if it doesn't exist and create is false.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains information about the tag.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to open.
type NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The expected data type of the tag.
create System.Boolean True to create the tag if it doesn't already exist, false to fail if it doesn't exist.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty.
System.ArgumentException if type is invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Query(skip,take) method


Queries the server for available tags.


An ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages according to the take parameter.

Name Type Description
skip System.Int32 The number of tags to initially skip in the results.
take System.Int32 The number of tags to include in each page of results.
Name Description
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if skip is negative.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if take is negative.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Query(paths) method


Queries the server for available tags matching the given paths.


An ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result. May include glob-style wildcards.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths is empty or contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Query(paths,skip,take) method


Queries the server for available tags matching the given paths.


An ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages according to the take parameter.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result. May include glob-style wildcards.
skip System.Int32 The number of tags to initially skip in the results.
take System.Int32 The number of tags to include in each page of results.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths is empty or contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if skip is negative.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if take is negative.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Query(paths,keywords,properties) method


Queries the server for available tags matching the given criteria.


An ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result, or null to include all tags. May include glob-style wildcards.
keywords System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of keywords that tags must have, or null.
properties System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary{System.String,System.String} Mapping of properties and their values that tags must have, or null.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths contains any invalid paths.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Query(paths,keywords,properties,skip,take) method


Queries the server for available tags matching the given criteria.


An ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages according to the take parameter.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result, or null to include all tags. May include glob-style wildcards.
keywords System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of keywords that tags must have, or null.
properties System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary{System.String,System.String} Mapping of properties and their values that tags must have, or null.
skip System.Int32 The number of tags to initially skip in the results.
take System.Int32 The number of tags to include in each page of results.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if skip is negative.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if take is negative.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

QueryAsync(skip,take) method


Asynchronously queries the server for available tags.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains an ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages according to the take parameter.

Name Type Description
skip System.Int32 The number of tags to initially skip in the results.
take System.Int32 The number of tags to include in each page of results.
Name Description
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if skip is negative.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if take is negative.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

QueryAsync(paths) method


Asynchronously queries the server for available tags matching the given paths.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains an ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result. May include glob-style wildcards.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths is empty or contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

QueryAsync(paths,skip,take) method


Asynchronously queries the server for available tags matching the given paths.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains an ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages according to the take parameter.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result. May include glob-style wildcards.
skip System.Int32 The number of tags to initially skip in the results.
take System.Int32 The number of tags to include in each page of results.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths is empty or contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if skip is negative.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if take is negative.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

QueryAsync(paths,keywords,properties) method


Asynchronously queries the server for available tags matching the given criteria.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains an ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result, or null to include all tags. May include glob-style wildcards.
keywords System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of keywords that tags must have, or null.
properties System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary{System.String,System.String} Mapping of properties and their values that tags must have, or null.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths contains any invalid paths.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

QueryAsync(paths,keywords,properties,skip,take) method


Asynchronously queries the server for available tags matching the given criteria.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains an ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages according to the take parameter.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result, or null to include all tags. May include glob-style wildcards.
keywords System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of keywords that tags must have, or null.
properties System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary{System.String,System.String} Mapping of properties and their values that tags must have, or null.
skip System.Int32 The number of tags to initially skip in the results.
take System.Int32 The number of tags to include in each page of results.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if skip is negative.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if take is negative.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Refresh(tags) method


Populates the given tags with the latest metadata from the server. Only the Path needs to be initialized. Tags that don't exist on the server will have their DataType set to Unknown.

Name Type Description
tags NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData[] The tags to refresh.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any tags are null or have invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

RefreshAsync(tags) method


Asynchronously populates the given tags with the latest metadata from the server. Only the Path needs to be initialized. Tags that don't exist on the server will have their DataType set to Unknown.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.

Name Type Description
tags NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData[] The tags to refresh.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any tags are null or have invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Update(tags) method


Updates the metadata of one or more tags on the server, replacing any existing metadata and creating tags that don't exist. The call fails if any of the tags already exist as a different data type.

Name Type Description
tags System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData} The tags to update.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if tags is empty or contains any invalid tags.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Update(updates) method


Updates the metadata of one or more tags on the server, creating tags that don't exist and merging existing keywords, properties, and settings specified in the TagDataUpdate for tags that already exist. The call fails if any of the tags already exist as a different data type.

Name Type Description
updates System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagDataUpdate} The tag metadata updates to send.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if updates is empty or contains any invalid tags.
System.ArgumentNullException if updates is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

UpdateAsync(tags) method


Asynchronously updates the metadata of one or more tags on the server, replacing any existing metadata and creating tags that don't exist. The call fails if any of the tags already exist as a different data type.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.

Name Type Description
tags System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData} The tags to update.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if tags is empty or contains any invalid tags.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

UpdateAsync(updates) method


Asynchronously updates the metadata of one or more tags on the server, creating tags that don't exist and merging existing keywords, properties, and settings specified in the TagDataUpdate for tags that already exist. The call fails if any of the tags already exist as a different data type.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.

Name Type Description
updates System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagDataUpdate} The tag metadata updates to send.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if updates is empty or contains any invalid tags.
System.ArgumentNullException if updates is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

ITagQueryResultCollection type




Represents a paginated list of tags returned by a query. Iterating over the collection makes additional server requests to retrieve pages after the first.

TotalCount property


Gets the total number of tags matched by the query at the time the query was made.

ITagReader type




Provides an interface for reading the current and aggregate values of a single SystemLink tag. Clients do not typically call methods on this interface directly and instead pass it during construction of a TagValueReader such as BoolTagValueReader.

Read(path,includeTimestamp,includeAggregates) method


Retrieves the current value of the tag with the given path from the server. Optionally retrieves the aggregate values as well. The tag must exist. Clients do not typically call this method directly. Use a TagValueReader instead.


The value serialized as a string, or null if the tag exists but doesn't have a value.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to read.
includeTimestamp System.Boolean True to include the timestamp associated with the value in the result.
includeAggregates System.Boolean True to include the tag's aggregate values in the result if the
tag is set to CollectAggregates.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty or invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

ReadAsync(path,includeTimestamp,includeAggregates) method


Asynchronously retrieves the current value of the tag with the given path from the server. Optionally retrieves the aggregate values as well. The tag must exist. Clients do not typically call this method directly. Use a TagValueReader instead.


The value serialized as a string, or null if the tag exists but doesn't have a value.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to read.
includeTimestamp System.Boolean True to include the timestamp associated with the value in the result.
includeAggregates System.Boolean True to include the tag's aggregate values in the result if the
tag is set to CollectAggregates.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty or invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

ITagSelection type




Represents a set of tags that can be read, written, or deleted together. Tags may be specified using glob-style wildcards to include multiple tags with a common path. Dispose or Close the selection to free resources. Tag reads are buffered, and the latest values are only retrieved on first read or by calling RefreshValues. Reads for tags that aren't in the selection return null, even if the tag exists on the server.

Metadata property


Gets the most recently retrieved metadata for tags in the selection, indexed by Path. Tags in the selection that do not exist on the server will not appear in the collection. Call RefreshMetadata to update the data contained in the collection.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.

Paths property


Gets the paths of all tags in the selection, including those that do not exist on the server. When using wildcards, the original paths with the wildcards are included in the list, not the paths matched by the wildcards.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.

Values property


Gets a TagValueReader for reading the most recently retrieved value for tags in the selection, indexed by Path. Tags in the selection that do not exist on the server will not appear in the collection. Readers for tags without values on the server will return null when read. Call RefreshValues to update the values returned by the readers in the collection.

AddTags(tags) method


Adds one or more tags to the selection. Tags that are already in the selection are ignored. The tags as given are immediately available in the Metadata collection. Use RefreshMetadata to get the latest data for the tags. The tags will be available in the Values collection but won't have latest a latest value until RefreshValues is called.

Name Type Description
tags NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData[] The tags to add to the selection.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any of the given tags are null or have an invalid path.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.

ClearTags() method


Removes all tags from the selection.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.

Close() method


Cleans up server resources associated with the selection.


This method has no parameters.

CloseAsync() method


Asynchronously cleans up server resources associated with the selection.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.


This method has no parameters.

CreateSubscription() method


Subscribes to receive events when tags in the selection are written to using a default update interval. Closing, adding tags, or removing tags from the selection will not affect previously created subscriptions.


The created subscription.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

CreateSubscription(updateInterval) method


Subscribes to receive events when tags in the selection are written to using the specified update interval. Closing, adding tags, or removing tags from the selection will not affect previously created subscriptions.


The created subscription.

Name Type Description
updateInterval System.TimeSpan How often to receive tag updates notifications
from the server. Depending on the ITagManager implementation
in use, this may involve polling the server or have a minimum value.
Name Description
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if updateInterval is negative.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

CreateSubscriptionAsync() method


Asynchronously subscribes to receive events when tags in the selection are written to using a default update interval. Closing, adding tags, or removing tags from the selection will not affect previously created subscriptions.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains the created subscription.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

CreateSubscriptionAsync(updateInterval) method


Asynchronously subscribes to receive events when tags in the selection are written to using the specified update interval. Closing, adding tags, or removing tags from the selection will not affect previously created subscriptions.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains the created subscription.

Name Type Description
updateInterval System.TimeSpan How often to receive tag updates notifications
from the server. Depending on the ITagManager implementation
in use, this may involve polling the server or have a minimum value.
Name Description
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if updateInterval is negative.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

DeleteTagsFromServer() method


Deletes all tags in the selection from the server. The tags are not removed from the selection but are removed from Metadata and Values. If any of the tags are recreated, a call to RefreshMetadata will restore them in the collection of tags.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

DeleteTagsFromServerAsync() method


Asynchronously deletes all tags in the selection from the server. The tags are not removed from the selection but are removed from Metadata and Values. If any of the tags are recreated, a call to RefreshMetadata will restore them in the collection of tags.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

OpenTags(paths) method


Adds one or more tags to the selection by path. Tags that are already in the selection are ignored. The tags will not be available in the Metadata collection until RefreshMetadata is called or the Values collection until RefreshValues is called.

Name Type Description
paths System.String[] The tag paths to add to the selection. May include
glob-style wildcards.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any of the given paths are null or invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.

Refresh() method


Refreshes both TagData and current values for all tags in the selection, updating Metadata and Values accordingly. Call RefreshMetadata or RefreshValues to only partially refresh.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

RefreshAsync() method


Asynchronously refreshes both the TagData and current values for all tags in the selection, updating Metadata and Values accordingly. Call RefreshMetadataAsync or RefreshValuesAsync to only partially refresh.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

RefreshMetadata() method


Refreshes the TagData for all tags in the selection, updating Metadata accordingly. Values will also be updated with new and removed tags, but those readers will continue to return previously available values until RefreshValues is called.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

RefreshMetadataAsync() method


Asynchronously refreshes the TagData for all tags in the selection, updating Metadata accordingly. Values will also be updated with new and removed tags, but those readers will continue to return previously available values until RefreshValues is called.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

RefreshValues() method


Refreshes the current value of tags in the selection returned by the readers in the Values collection. Readers will return null for tags that no longer exist on the server or exist but haven't yet been written to. New readers will be added to the collection for tags that have values but have not yet been added to Metadata by a call to RefreshMetadata.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

RefreshValuesAsync() method


Asynchronously refreshes the current value of tags in the selection returned by the readers in the Values collection. Readers will return null for tags that no longer exist on the server, or exist but haven't yet been written to. New readers will be added to the collection for tags that have values but have not yet been added to Metadata by a call to RefreshMetadata.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

RemoveTags(tags) method


Removes one or more tags from the selection. The tags are not removed from the Metadata and Values collections until the next RefreshMetadata. Tags not in the selection are ignored. Tags included in the selection via a path with wildcards can only be removed by including the wildcards in a call to RemoveTags. Tags matched by one or more wildcard paths remain in the selection until all of the paths are removed.

Name Type Description
tags NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData[] The tags to remove from the selection. Only the
tag's Path is used.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any of the given tags are null or have an invalid path.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.

RemoveTags(paths) method


Removes one or more tag paths from the selection. The tags are not removed from the Metadata and Values collections until the next RefreshMetadata. Tags not in the selection are ignored. Tags included in the selection via a path with wildcards can only be removed by including the wildcards in paths. Tags matched by multiple wildcard paths remain in the selection until all of the paths are removed.

Name Type Description
paths System.String[] The paths of the tags to remove from the selection.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any of the given paths are null or invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.

ResetAggregates() method


Resets tag value aggregates on the server for all tags in the selection. Tag historical values are not modified. Has no effect on tags that are not set to CollectAggregates. Use RefreshValues to retrieve the new aggregates.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

ResetAggregatesAsync() method


Asynchronously resets tag value aggregates on the server for all tags in the selection. Tag historical values are not modified. Has no effect on tags that are not set to CollectAggregates. Use RefreshValues to retrieve the new aggregates.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.


This method has no parameters.

Name Description
System.ObjectDisposedException if the selection has been closed or disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

ITagSubscription type




Represents a subscription for changes to one or more tags' values. Dispose or Close the subscription to stop receiving events.

Close() method


Closes server resources associated with the subscription. Further tag writes will not trigger new events.


This method has no parameters.

CloseAsync() method


Asynchronously closes server resources associated with the subscription. Further tag writes will not trigger new events.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.


This method has no parameters.

ITagWriter type




Provides an interface for writing the current value of a single SystemLink tag. Clients do not typically call methods on this interface directly and instead pass it during construction of a TagValueWriter such as BoolTagValueWriter.

Write(path,type,value,timestamp) method


Writes a tag's value that's been serialized to a string. Clients do not typically call this method directly. Use a TagValueWriter instead.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to write.
type NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The data type of the value to write.
value System.String The tag value to write, serialized as a string.
timestamp System.Nullable{System.DateTimeOffset} A custom timestamp to associate with the value,
or null to have the server specify the timestamp.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty or invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path or value is null.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if type is invalid.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the writer has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

WriteAsync(path,type,value,timestamp) method


Asynchronously writes a tag's value that's been serialized to a string. Clients do not typically call this method directly. Use a TagValueWriter instead.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to write.
type NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The data type of the value to write.
value System.String The tag value to write, serialized as a string.
timestamp System.Nullable{System.DateTimeOffset} A custom timestamp to associate with the value,
or null to have the server specify the timestamp.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty or invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path or value is null.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if type is invalid.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the writer has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

RetentionType type




Represents the different ways for the SystemLink tag historian to retain the history of tag values.

Count constants


A set number of historical values for the tag are retained.

Duration constants


Historical values for the tag are retained for a set number of days.

Invalid constants


An unknown or invalid tag retention type. Not a valid input to API calls, but used to represent tags whose retention type isn't recognized.

None constants


No history for the tag's value is retained.

Permanent constants


All of the tag's values are retained until the tag is deleted.

TagChangedEventArgs type




Contains event data for events.

#ctor(tag) constructor


Initializes an instance without a value.

Name Type Description
tag NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData The tag that changed.

#ctor(tag,reader) constructor


Initializes an instance with a BoolTagValueReader.

Name Type Description
tag NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData The tag that changed.
reader NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.Values.BoolTagValueReader The tag reader containing the single Bool value.

#ctor(tag,reader) constructor


Initializes an instance with a DoubleTagValueReader.

Name Type Description
tag NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData The tag that changed.
reader NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.Values.DoubleTagValueReader The tag reader containing the single Double value.

#ctor(tag,reader) constructor


Initializes an instance with a Int32TagValueReader.

Name Type Description
tag NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData The tag that changed.
reader NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.Values.Int32TagValueReader The tag reader containing the single Int32 value.

#ctor(tag,reader) constructor


Initializes an instance with a StringTagValueReader.

Name Type Description
tag NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData The tag that changed.
reader NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.Values.StringTagValueReader The tag reader containing the single String value.

#ctor(tag,reader) constructor


Initializes an instance with a DateTimeTagValueReader.

Name Type Description
tag NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData The tag that changed.
reader NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.Values.DateTimeTagValueReader The tag reader containing the single DateTime value.

#ctor(tag,reader) constructor


Initializes an instance with a UInt64TagValueReader.

Name Type Description
tag NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData The tag that changed.
reader NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.Values.UInt64TagValueReader The tag reader containing the single UInt64 value.

BoolValue property


Gets an object that reads the tag's new value, or null if the tag is not a Bool. The reader only returns the single value that changed and doesn't update the value on subsequent reads.

DateTimeValue property


Gets an object that reads the tag's new value, or null if the tag is not a DateTime. The reader only returns the single value that changed and doesn't update the value on subsequent reads.

DoubleValue property


Gets an object that reads the tag's new value, or null if the tag is not a Double. The reader only returns the single value that changed and doesn't update the value on subsequent reads.

Int32Value property


Gets an object that reads the tag's new value, or null if the tag is not a Int32. The reader only returns the single value that changed and doesn't update the value on subsequent reads.

StringValue property


Gets an object that reads the tag's new value, or null if the tag is not a String. The reader only returns the single value that changed and doesn't update the value on subsequent reads.

Tag property


Gets the metadata for the tag that changed.

UInt64Value property


Gets an object that reads the tag's new value, or null if the tag is not a UInt64. The reader only returns the single value that changed and doesn't update the value on subsequent reads.

TagData type




Contains the metadata for a SystemLink tag.

#ctor(path) constructor


Initializes an empty tag.

Name Type Description
path System.String The tag's path, which uses a dot-separated
hierarchy to uniquely identify the tag on the server.

#ctor(path,type) constructor


Initializes the metadata.

Name Type Description
path System.String The tag's path, which uses a dot-separated
hierarchy to uniquely identify the tag on the server.
type NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The data type for the tag's values.

#ctor(path,type,keywords,properties) constructor


Initializes the metadata with keywords and properties.

Name Type Description
path System.String The tag's path, which uses a dot-separated
hierarchy to uniquely identify the tag on the server.
type NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The data type for the tag's values.
keywords System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} The tag's keywords.
properties System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String} The tag's properties.

CollectAggregates property


Gets or sets whether the server should keep aggregate information for the tag. The information collected depends on the tag's DataType.

DataType property


Gets or sets the data type for the tag's values. Changing the type of an existing tag requires deleting the tag and creating a new one of a different type.

Keywords property


Gets or sets the list of keywords associated with the tag.

Path property


Gets the tag's path, which uses a dot-separated hierarchy to uniquely identify the tag on the server.

Properties property


Gets or sets the properties associated with the tag.

RetentionCount property


Gets or sets the number of historical values to retain when RetentionType is Count, or null to use the server-specified default of 10000.

RetentionDays property


Gets or sets the number of days to keep a tag's historical values when RetentionType is Duration, or null to use the server-specified default of 30 days.

RetentionType property


Gets or sets how the tag's historical values are retained by the tag historian, if available. The RetentionCount and RetentionDays properties can further customize when values are removed from the historian.


The tag historian is an optional component for SystemLink Server installations, and is not available in SystemLink Cloud. The tag's historical values are not retained when the tag historian is not available, regardless of the retention type.

CopyRetentionProperties(destination) method


Copies the tag's retention settings into destination. Clients do not typically call this method directly.

Name Type Description
destination System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String} The dictionary to copy into. Existing properties
with names in common with the retention properties will be overwritten.
Name Description
System.ArgumentNullException if destination is null.

ReplaceKeywords(keywords) method


Replaces all of the tag's Keywords with those in keywords.

Name Type Description
keywords System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} The tag's new keywords, or null to clear all keywords.

ReplaceProperties(properties) method


Replaces all of the tag's Properties with those in properties.

Name Type Description
properties System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String} The tag's new properties, or null to clear all properties.

TagDataExtensions type




Contains helper extensions methods for manipulating TagData.

ClearRetention(tag) method


Clears all retention settings from the tag, setting it to use a RetentionType of None.


The tag parameter.

Name Type Description
tag NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData The tag whose retention will be cleared.

SetRetentionCount(tag,count) method


Sets the number of historical values to retain for the tag.


The tag parameter.

Name Type Description
tag NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData The tag whose retention will be set.
count System.Int32 The number of historical values to retain.

SetRetentionDays(tag,days) method


Sets the tag's historical values to be retained for the specified number of days.


The tag parameter.

Name Type Description
tag NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData The tag whose retention will be set.
days System.Int32 The number of days a historical value will be kept.

ValidatePath(tag) method


Validates the path of tag as an input and returns it. Clients do not typically call this method directly.


The validated path.

Name Type Description
tag NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData The tag whose path will be validated.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if the tag's path is invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if tag is null.

ValidateType(tag,requiredType) method


Validates that the data type of tag matches requiredType. Clients do not typically call this method directly.

Name Type Description
tag NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData The tag to validate.
requiredType NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The data type required by the API.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if tag is not a tag of the required type with a valid path.
System.ArgumentNullException if tag is null.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if requiredType is Unknown.

TagDataUpdate type




Contains information for updating parts of a tag's metadata on the server when used with the Update method. The update can add keywords, add new properties, change the value of existing properties, modify the collect aggregates setting, and modify retention settings. To remove a keyword or property, pass the entire TagData to the Update method instead.

#ctor(data,fields) constructor


Initializes an update by taking one or more fields from a TagData.

Name Type Description
data NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData The metadata to send to the server in the update.
fields NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagUpdateFields One or more fields to include in the update.
Name Description
System.ArgumentNullException if data is null.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if fields has no fields or invalid fields.

#ctor(path,dataType,keywords,properties) constructor


Initializes an update of a tag's keywords and/or properties. Keywords and properties included in the update that are missing from the tag's metadata on the server are added, and properties that exist with a different value are replaced. At least one of keywords or properties must be specified.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to update.
dataType NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The data type of the tag to update.
keywords System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection{System.String} The list of keywords that will be added to
the tag's metadata on the server, or null to not add any keywords.
properties System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary{System.String,System.String} The properties that will be added to or
replaced in the tag's metadata on the server, or null to not
modify any properties.
Name Description
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.InvalidOperationException if both keywords and properties are null.

CollectAggregates property


Gets the CollectAggregates setting to send with the update, or null to not send a value.

DataType property


Gets the data type for the tag's values.

Keywords property


Gets the list of keywords to send with the update, or null to not send any keywords.

Path property


Gets the tag's path, which uses a dot-separated hierarchy to uniquely identify the tag on the server.

Properties property


Gets the properties send with the update, or null to not send any properties.

TagManager type




Provides an ITagManager over HTTP or HTTPS for creating, reading, and querying tags on a SystemLink instance.

#ctor() constructor


Initializes a tag manager for communicating with the web server specified by SystemLink Client. The system must be either be registered to a SystemLink Server, or it must be a SystemLink server itself.


This constructor has no parameters.

Name Description
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the current system cannot communicate with a SystemLink Server,
or if the configuration provided by SystemLink Client cannot be found.

#ctor(configuration) constructor


Initializes a tag manager for communicating with the web server specified in configuration.

Name Type Description
configuration NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.IHttpConfiguration Defines the web server to connect to and
information about how to connect.
Name Description
System.ArgumentNullException if configuration is null.

CreateSelection(tags) method


Creates an ITagSelection that initially contains the given tags without retrieving any additional data from the server.


The created selection.

Name Type Description
tags NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData[] The tags to include in the selection.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any of the given tags is null or has an invalid path.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.

CreateWriter(bufferSize) method


Creates a tag writer that buffers tag values until SendBufferedWrites is called or until bufferSize writes have been buffered, at which point the writes will be sent automatically.


The created writer. Dispose of the write to free resources.

Name Type Description
bufferSize System.Int32 The maximum number of tag writes to buffer before
automatically sending them to the server.
Name Description
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if bufferSize is less than one.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.

CreateWriter(maxBufferTime) method


Creates a tag writer that buffers tag values until SendBufferedWrites is called or until maxBufferTime time has past since buffering a value, at which point the writes will be sent automatically.


The created writer. Dispose of the write to free resources.

Name Type Description
maxBufferTime System.TimeSpan The amount of time before writes are sent.
Name Description
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if maxBufferTime is less than one millisecond.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.

CreateWriter(bufferSize,maxBufferTime) method


Creates a tag writer that buffers tag values until SendBufferedWrites is called, bufferSize writes have been buffered, or maxBufferTime time has past since buffering a value, at which point the writes will be sent automatically.


The created writer. Dispose of the write to free resources.

Name Type Description
bufferSize System.Int32 The maximum number of tag writes to buffer before
automatically sending them to the server.
maxBufferTime System.TimeSpan The amount of time before writes are sent.
Name Description
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if bufferSize is less than one.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if maxBufferTime is less than one millisecond.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.

Delete(tags) method


Deletes one or more tags from the server.

Name Type Description
tags System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData} The tags to delete.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if tags contains null tags or ones with invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Delete(paths) method


Deletes one or more tags from the server by path.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} The paths of the tags to delete.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

DeleteAsync(tags) method


Asynchronously deletes one or more tags from the server.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.

Name Type Description
tags System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData} The tags to delete.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if tags contains null tags or ones with invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

DeleteAsync(paths) method


Asynchronously deletes one or more tags from the server by path.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} The paths of the tags to delete.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Dispose() method


Releases resources associated with the tag manager.


This method has no parameters.

Open(paths) method


Queries the server for the metadata for the given tag paths and returns the results in an ITagSelection.


The created selection with Metadata containing the metadata.

Name Type Description
paths System.String[] The paths of the tags to include in the selection. May
include glob-style wildcards.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any of the given paths is null or invalid.
System.ArgumentException if paths contains duplicate paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Open(path) method


Queries the server for the metadata of an existing tag. The call fails if the tag doesn't exist.


Information about the tag.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to open.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Open(path,type) method


Queries the server for the metadata of a tag, creating it if it doesn't already exist. The call fails if the tag already exists as a different type than specified.


Information about the tag.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to open.
type NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The expected data type of the tag.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty.
System.ArgumentException if type is invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Open(path,type,create) method


Queries the server for the metadata of a tag, optionally creating it if it doesn't already exist. The call fails if the tag already exists as a different type than specified or if it doesn't exist and create is false.


Information about the tag.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to open.
type NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The expected data type of the tag.
create System.Boolean True to create the tag if it doesn't already exist, false to fail if it doesn't exist.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty.
System.ArgumentException if type is invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

OpenAsync(paths) method


Asynchronously queries the server for the metadata for the given tag paths and returns the results in an ITagSelection.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains the created selection with Metadata containing the metadata.

Name Type Description
paths System.String[] The paths of the tags to include in the selection. May
include glob-style wildcards.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any of the given paths is null or invalid.
System.ArgumentException if paths contains duplicate paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

OpenAsync(path) method


Asynchronously queries the server for the metadata of an existing tag. The call fails if the tag doesn't exist.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains information about the tag.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to open.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

OpenAsync(path,type) method


Asynchronously queries the server for the metadata of a tag, creating it if it doesn't already exist. The call fails if the tag already exists as a different type than specified.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains information about the tag.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to open.
type NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The expected data type of the tag.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty.
System.ArgumentException if type is invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

OpenAsync(path,type,create) method


Asynchronously queries the server for the metadata of a tag, optionally creating it if it doesn't already exist. The call fails if the tag already exists as a different type than specified or if it doesn't exist and create is false.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains information about the tag.

Name Type Description
path System.String The path of the tag to open.
type NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.DataType The expected data type of the tag.
create System.Boolean True to create the tag if it doesn't already exist, false to fail if it doesn't exist.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty.
System.ArgumentException if type is invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Query(skip,take) method


Queries the server for available tags.


A ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages according to the take parameter.

Name Type Description
skip System.Int32 The number of tags to initially skip in the results.
take System.Int32 The number of tags to include in each page of results.
Name Description
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if skip is negative.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if take is negative.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Query(paths) method


Queries the server for available tags matching the given paths.


A ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result. May include glob-style wildcards.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths is empty or contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Query(paths,skip,take) method


Queries the server for available tags matching the given paths.


A ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages according to the take parameter.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result. May include glob-style wildcards.
skip System.Int32 The number of tags to initially skip in the results.
take System.Int32 The number of tags to include in each page of results.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths is empty or contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentException if skip is negative.
System.ArgumentException if take is negative.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Query(paths,keywords,properties) method


Queries the server for available tags matching the given criteria.


A ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result, or null to include all tags. May include glob-style wildcards.
keywords System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of keywords that tags must have, or null.
properties System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary{System.String,System.String} Mapping of properties and their values that tags must have, or null.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths contains any invalid paths.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Query(paths,keywords,properties,skip,take) method


Queries the server for available tags matching the given criteria.


A ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages according to the take parameter.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result, or null to include all tags. May include glob-style wildcards.
keywords System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of keywords that tags must have, or null.
properties System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary{System.String,System.String} Mapping of properties and their values that tags must have, or null.
skip System.Int32 The number of tags to initially skip in the results.
take System.Int32 The number of tags to include in each page of results.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentException if skip is negative.
System.ArgumentException if take is negative.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

QueryAsync(skip,take) method


Asynchronously queries the server for available tags.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains a ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages according to the take parameter.

Name Type Description
skip System.Int32 The number of tags to initially skip in the results.
take System.Int32 The number of tags to include in each page of results.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if skip is negative.
System.ArgumentException if take is negative.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

QueryAsync(paths) method


Asynchronously queries the server for available tags matching the given paths.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains a ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result. May include glob-style wildcards.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths is empty or contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

QueryAsync(paths,skip,take) method


Asynchronously queries the server for available tags matching the given paths.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains a ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages according to the take parameter.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result. May include glob-style wildcards.
skip System.Int32 The number of tags to initially skip in the results.
take System.Int32 The number of tags to include in each page of results.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths is empty or contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentException if skip is negative.
System.ArgumentException if take is negative.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

QueryAsync(paths,keywords,properties) method


Asynchronously queries the server for available tags matching the given criteria.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains a ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result, or null to include all tags. May include glob-style wildcards.
keywords System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of keywords that tags must have, or null.
properties System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary{System.String,System.String} Mapping of properties and their values that tags must have, or null.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths contains any invalid paths.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

QueryAsync(paths,keywords,properties,skip,take) method


Asynchronously queries the server for available tags matching the given criteria.


A task representing the asynchronous operation. On success, contains a ITagQueryResultCollection containing the first page of results. Enumerating the collection will retrieve additional pages according to the take parameter.

Name Type Description
paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of tag paths to include in the result, or null to include all tags. May include glob-style wildcards.
keywords System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String} List of keywords that tags must have, or null.
properties System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary{System.String,System.String} Mapping of properties and their values that tags must have, or null.
skip System.Int32 The number of tags to initially skip in the results.
take System.Int32 The number of tags to include in each page of results.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if paths contains any invalid paths.
System.ArgumentException if skip is negative.
System.ArgumentException if take is negative.
System.ArgumentNullException if paths is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Refresh(tags) method


Populates the given tags with the latest metadata from the server. Only the Path needs to be initialized. Tags that don't exist on the server will have their DataType set to Unknown.

Name Type Description
tags NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData[] The tags to refresh.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any tags are null or have invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

RefreshAsync(tags) method


Asynchronously populates the given tags with the latest metadata from the server. Only the Path needs to be initialized. Tags that don't exist on the server will have their DataType set to Unknown.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.

Name Type Description
tags NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData[] The tags to refresh.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if any tags are null or have invalid paths.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Update(tags) method


Updates the metadata of one or more tags on the server, replacing any existing metadata and creating tags that don't exist. The call fails if any of the tags already exist as a different data type.

Name Type Description
tags System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData} The tags to update.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if tags is empty or contains any invalid tags.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

Update(updates) method


Updates the metadata of one or more tags on the server, creating tags that don't exist and merging existing keywords, properties, and settings specified in the TagDataUpdate for tags that already exist. The call fails if any of the tags already exist as a different data type.

Name Type Description
updates System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagDataUpdate} The tag metadata updates to send.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if updates is empty or contains any invalid tags.
System.ArgumentNullException if updates is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

UpdateAsync(tags) method


Asynchronously updates the metadata of one or more tags on the server, replacing any existing metadata and creating tags that don't exist. The call fails if any of the tags already exist as a different data type.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.

Name Type Description
tags System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagData} The tags to update.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if tags is empty or contains any invalid tags.
System.ArgumentNullException if tags is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

UpdateAsync(updates) method


Asynchronously updates the metadata of one or more tags on the server, creating tags that don't exist and merging existing keywords, properties, and settings specified in the TagDataUpdate for tags that already exist. The call fails if any of the tags already exist as a different data type.


A task representing the asynchronous operation.

Name Type Description
updates System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.TagDataUpdate} The tag metadata updates to send.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if updates is empty or contains any invalid tags.
System.ArgumentNullException if updates is null.
System.ObjectDisposedException if the reader has been disposed.
NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Core.ApiException if the API call fails.

TagPathUtilities type




Contains helper methods for interacting with tag paths.

Validate(path) method


Validates path as an input tag path. Clients do not typically need to call this method directly.


The validated path.

Name Type Description
path System.String The tag path to validate.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if the path is invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.

ValidateQuery(path) method


Validates path as a tag path query. Clients do not typically need to call this method directly.


The validated path.

Name Type Description
path System.String The tag path to validate.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if the path is invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if path is null.

TagUpdateFields type




Represents the various TagData fields that may be included in a TagDataUpdate. Fields that aren't included are left unmodified when updates are sent to the server.

All constants


Specifies that all fields in the TagData should be included in the update. Keywords and properties that already exist on the server will not be removed, even if they are missing from the update.

CollectAggregates constants


Specifies that the tag's CollectAggregates setting will be modified on the server.

Keywords constants


Specifies that entries in the Keywords that are missing from the tag's metadata on the server will be added.

Properties constants


Specifies that entries in the Properties that are missing from or different in the tag's metadata on the server will be added or replaced.

Retention constants


Specifies that the tag's RetentionType, RetentionCount, and RetentionDays settings will be modified on the server.

#ctor(writer,path) constructor


Initializes an instance. Tag writes will fail if path does not identify an existing UInt64 tag.

Name Type Description
writer NationalInstruments.SystemLink.Clients.Tag.ITagWriter The ITagWriter to use when writing values.
path System.String The path of the tag to associate with the value.
Name Description
System.ArgumentException if path is empty or invalid.
System.ArgumentNullException if writer or path is null.
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