Welcome to the Business Insight 360 project! This visualization is all about uncovering actionable business intelligence to make Data-Driven decisions.
Objective: The primary goal of this Power BI project is to empower AtliQ Hardware, a global consumer electronics company, to transition from heavy reliance on Excel for data analytics to more powerful analytics tools. This transition is imperative for the company's future success.I've created a dynamic Power BI project that empowers various departments enabling well-informed decisions.
Live Project: Explore my live Power BI project (https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiYWI2NTkwNmQtMjAxNy00YzZhLWJkNWMtYTRhZGUzNzc1NGEwIiwidCI6ImM2ZTU0OWIzLTVmNDUtNDAzMi1hYWU5LWQ0MjQ0ZGM1YjJjNCJ9)
- Dive deep into Profit and Loss statements.
- Analyze Net Sales Performance over time.
- Examine top-performing Products and Customers using various criteria.
Analyze the performance of Customers and Products. Create Sales Trend for customer based on the Net Sales and Gross Margin. Build performance matrix visuals having Net Sales and Gross Margin percentages for markets and region. Explore unit economics showing a percentage contribution of Net Sales & deductions, percentage breakdown of Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) & Gross Margin.
- Examine product's performance using essential metrics such as Net Sales and Gross Margin.
- Explore unit economics involving COGS, Gross Margin, Operational expenses, and Net Profit.
- Investigate forecast accuracy, Net Errors, Risk and Absolute Errors.
- Dive deep into Supply Chain metrics based on customers and products.
- Keep track of trends in Accuracy and Net Error.
- A high-level dashboard tailored for executives.
- Gain strategic insights into market share trends.
- Identify the top 5 customers and products by revenue.
- Build yearly trend by revenue, Gross Margin percentage, Net Profit percentage and PC Market Share percentage.
- Connecting to various data sources, such as databases, Excel.
- Data cleansing, transformation, and shaping using Power Query Editor.
- Creating relationships between tables.
- Defining calculated columns and measures.
- Understanding DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) language for custom calculations.
- Creating interactive visualizations.
- Utilizing custom visuals and custom themes.
- Creating KPIs.