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A tool for managing GitHub repository tags and content from third-party automation systems


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A GitHub API client for managing tags and repository content from third-party automation systems (e.g. Jenkins).


  • Create and update tags, both lightweight and annotated.
  • Add, update and delete content idempotently.
  • Idempotent update of git refs (e.g. fast-forward merge and mutable tags).
  • GitHub-verified commits (when using a GitHub App-derived token), facilitating the enforcement of commit signing.
  • Configuration defaults inferred from local context (e.g. git clone and environment).
  • Completely self-contained: no external dependencies.


  • A GitHub Token, preferably derived from GitHub App credentials (for verified commits), with contents=write and metadata=read permissions on target repository. In addition, workflows=write is also needed if used to manage .github/workflows content.

Note: works well with vault-plugin-secrets-github!


If the current working directory is a git repository, its first GitHub remote (if there is one) is used to infer default repository owner (--owner) and name (--repo), the current branch is used to set the default branch (--branch), and resolved git config is used to set a default author for a generated Co-Authored-By commit message trailer to help distinguish between different systems sharing common GitHub App credentials (override components with --author.trailer, and, or disable with --author.trailer= or export GHUP_AUTHOR_TRAILER=). Additional commit trailers can be specified with --trailer key=value flags.

If run outside a GitHub repository, then the --owner and --repo flags are required, with --branch defaulting to main.

All configuration may be passed via environment variable rather than flag. The environment variable associated with each flag is GHUP_[UPPERCASED_FLAG_NAME], e.g. GHUP_TOKEN, GHUP_OWNER, GHUP_REPO, GHUP_BRANCH, GHUP_AUTHOR_TRAILER, etc.

In addition, various fallback environment variables are supported for better integration with Jenkins and similar CI tools: GITHUB_OWNER, GITHUB_TOKEN, CHANGE_BRANCH, BRANCH_NAME, GIT_BRANCH, GIT_COMMITTER_NAME, GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL, etc.

For security, it is strongly recommended that the GitHub Token by passed via environment (GHUP_TOKEN or GITHUB_TOKEN) or file path (--token /path/to/token-file, --token <(gh auth token) or export GHUP_TOKEN=/path/to/token-file ghup …)



The content verb is used to generate arbitrary (verified) commits via the GitHub V4 API. An arbitrary number of content adds, removes and deletes can be committed without the need for a local signing key or for checking out the target repository.

$ ghup content --help
Manage content via the GitHub V4 API

  ghup content [flags] [<file-spec> ...]

      --create-branch      create missing target branch (default true)
      --pr-title string    create pull request iff target branch is created and title is specified
      --pr-body string     pull request body
      --pr-draft           create pull request in draft mode
      --base-branch name   base branch name (default: "[remote-default-branch])"
  -s, --separator string   file-spec separator (default ":")
  -u, --update file-spec   file-spec to update
  -d, --delete file-path   file-path to delete
  -h, --help               help for content

Global Flags:
      --author.trailer key   key for commit author trailer (blank to disable) (default "Co-Authored-By")
  -b, --branch name          target branch name (default "[local-branch-or-main]")
  -f, --force                force action
  -m, --message string       message (default "Commit via API")
  -o, --owner name           repository owner name (default "[owner-of-first-github-remote-or-required]")
  -r, --repo name            repository name (default "[repo-of-first-github-remote-or-required]")
      --token string         GitHub Token or path/to/token-file
      --trailer key=value    extra key=value commit trailers (default []) email     email for commit author trailer (default "[]") name       name for commit author trailer (default "[]")
  -v, --verbosity count      verbosity

Each file-spec provided as a positional argument or explicitly via the --update flag takes the form <local-file-path>[:<remote-target-path>]. Content is read from the local file <local-file-path> and written to <remote-target-path> (defaulting to <local-file-path> if not specified).

Each file-path provided to the --delete flag is a <remote-target-path>: the path to a file on the target repository:branch that should be deleted.

Unless --force is used, content that already matches the remote repository state is ignored.

Note: Due to limitations in the GitHub V4 API, when the target branch does not exist, branch creation and content push will trigger two distinct "push" events.

Content Examples

Idempotent file add/update

Update .zshrc in my dotfiles repo, adding if's missing and updating if-and-only-if changed:

$ ghup content --owner=isometry --repo=dotfiles ~/.zshrc:.zshrc -m "chore: update zshrc"
$ ghup content --owner=isometry --repo=dotfiles ~/.zshrc:.zshrc -m "chore: update zshrc"
nothing to do
Idempotent file deletion

Delete .tcshrc from my dotfiles repo:

$ ghup content --owner=isometry --repo=dotfiles --delete .tcshrc -m "chore: remove tcshrc"
$ ghup content --owner=isometry --repo=dotfiles --delete .tcshrc -m "chore: remove tcshrc"
nothing to do


The tag verb is used to create lightweight or annotated tags without the need to checkout the target repository.

Note: annotated tags are the default, but only lightweight tags (i.e. --lightweight), which simply point at an existing commit, are "verified".

$ ghup tag --help

Manage tags via the GitHub V3 API

  ghup tag [flags] [<name>]

  -h, --help          help for tag
  -l, --lightweight   force lightweight tag
      --tag string    tag name

Global Flags:
      --author.trailer key   key for commit author trailer (blank to disable) (default "Co-Authored-By")
  -b, --branch name          target branch name (default "[local-branch-or-main]")
  -f, --force                force action
  -m, --message string       message (default "Commit via API")
  -o, --owner name           repository owner name (default "[owner-of-first-github-remote-or-required]")
  -r, --repo name            repository name (default "[repo-of-first-github-remote-or-required]")
      --token string         GitHub Token or path/to/token-file
      --trailer key=value    extra key=value commit trailers (default []) email     email for commit author trailer (default "[]") name       name for commit author trailer (default "[]")
  -v, --verbosity count      verbosity

Tagging Examples

Create lightweight tag

Create lightweight tag v1.0.0 pointing at the head of the local repository's checked out branch:

$ ghup tag v1.0.0
Create annotated tag

Create an annotated repo v1.0 pointed at the head of the main branch of the ghup repo owned by nexthink-oss:

$ ghup -o nexthink-oss -r ghup -b main tag v1.0 -m "Release v1.0!"

Update Refs

The update-ref verb is used to update an arbitrary number head or tag references to match a source reference.

The source may take the form of a partial commit hash, or of a fully- or partially-qualified reference, defaulting to a branch reference (heads/…; overrideable via --source-type=tags). The target(s) must take the form of fully- or partially-qualified references, defaulting to tag references, defaulting to tag references (tags/…; overrideable via --target-type=heads). The --force flag will override standard fast-forward-only protection on branch updates.

$ ghup update-ref --help
Update target refs to match source

  ghup update-ref [flags] -s <source> <target> ...

  -s, --source ref-or-commit     source ref-or-commit
  -S, --source-type heads|tags   unqualified source ref type (default heads)
  -T, --target-type heads|tags   unqualified target ref type (default tags)
  -h, --help                     help for update-ref

Global Flags:
      --author.trailer key   key for commit author trailer (blank to disable) (default "Co-Authored-By")
  -b, --branch name          target branch name (default "[local-branch-or-main]")
  -f, --force                force action
  -m, --message string       message (default "Commit via API")
  -o, --owner name           repository owner name (default "[owner-of-first-github-remote-or-required]")
  -r, --repo name            repository name (default "[repo-of-first-github-remote-or-required]")
      --token string         GitHub Token or path/to/token-file
      --trailer key=value    extra key=value commit trailers (default []) email     email for commit author trailer (default "[]") name       name for commit author trailer (default "[]")
  -v, --verbosity count      verbosity

Note: the --branch, --message and trailer-related flags are not used by the ref verb.

Updated Refs Examples

Fast-forward production branch to match staging
$ ghup update-ref -s staging heads/production
  ref: heads/staging
  sha: 206e1a484f03cd320a2125a50aa73bd8a2b045dc
  - ref: heads/production
    updated: true
    old_sha: b7ccc4db9bc43551fd3571c260869f4c69aa2fd4
    sha: 206e1a484f03cd320a2125a50aa73bd8a2b045dc
Create a lightweight tag pointing at a specific commit
$ ghup update-ref -s b7ccc4d example
  ref: b7ccc4d
  sha: b7ccc4db9bc43551fd3571c260869f4c69aa2fd4
  - ref: tags/example
    updated: true
    sha: b7ccc4db9bc43551fd3571c260869f4c69aa2fd4
Update GitHub Actions-style major and minor tags following patch release:
$ ghup update-ref -s tags/v1.1.7 v1.1 v1
  ref: tags/v1.1.7
  sha: b7ccc4db9bc43551fd3571c260869f4c69aa2fd4
  - ref: tags/v1.1
    updated: true
    sha: b7ccc4db9bc43551fd3571c260869f4c69aa2fd4
  - ref: tags/v1
    updated: true
    sha: b7ccc4db9bc43551fd3571c260869f4c69aa2fd4

Debug Info

In order to better validate the configuration derived from context (working directory, environment variables and global flags), the info verb is available:

$ ghup info
hasToken: true
  - 'Co-Authored-By: Example User <>'
owner: nexthink-oss
repository: ghup
branch: feature/branch
commit: 5e1692253399bd9ea6077dba27e4cdc8a15b9720
isClean: false
  headline: Commit via API
  body: |2-
    Co-Authored-By: Example User <>