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1. Do not use console.debug
for errors, use console.error
if necessary
We also use
and console.warn
sometimes. Shouldn't we use console.debug
only for debugging related stuff?
Why: Errors should be logged as errors, they have a separate place in the dev tools and display
try {
await foo()
} catch (error) {
// ❌
// ✅
2. Do not catch an exception, if it is not required
Catch an exception in case:
- You need special processing
- An exception here may break something
Why: a caught exception is "missed" from further processing
try {
await foo()
} catch(error) {
// ❌ Catch just in case
try {
await foo()
} catch(error) {
// ✅ Some special processing, for example
// ...showing a toast
// with the exception
if (error.responsestatusCode === 404) {
// Special case
// 📁 someStore.js
const actions = {
someAction({ commit }) {
try {
await foo()
} catch(error) {
// ✅ Need to revert changes
// 📁 Component.vue
export default {
async created() {
try {
await foo()
} catch(error) {
// ✅ The component mounting will be failed without catching the error
// Some processing
3. Don't forget to re-throw an exception if it may not be processed
Why: Otherwise it is missed
try {
await foo()
} catch(error) {
if (error.responsestatusCode === 418) {
// ...Custom processing...
} else {
// ✅
// What if the error is not 418 ?
throw error
4. Think about possible exceptions and errors
try {
await foo()
} catch(error) {
// What may go wrong in `foo`?
// Only general unexpected exceptions? Or also some domain-level errors?
// May there be special results of `foo` that we need to proceed implicitly?
5. General errors
In case an error required special processing (for example, displaying a special message) and it is some specific action error, some general app-wide error - add general catching.
For example:
- axios interception
- Top-level
or app level catch - Top-level
or app level catch