Logged-in and guest inconsistent call behaviour when guest has a connectivity issue. #13498
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Steps to reproduce
- As a logged in account, start a public call
- Join the call as a guest
- Simulate a network problem in the guest device (ex. unplug the ethernet cable)
- Wait a few seconds (10-30seconds)
Expected behaviour
Not sure about the expected behaviour but I'd say:
- the logged in participant should see that the guest leaves the call when 3. happens
- the guest should see a reconnection attempt and then the typical browser offline page. If the offline time is not too long, maybe an automatic reconnection should occur.
Actual behaviour
But definitely I'd say it shouldn't happen what is happening now:
- a guest who has a connection problem (in the screen recording, this happens at 00:15), for example caused by his network provider, ends up in a “The conversation does not exist” page. He must then reopen the link in a new tab or by using browser navigation buttons (“go back one page”). In the latter case he must refresh the tab in order to join the call again.
- the moderator continues to see the guest in the room even though he is disconnected. It is only at the time when the guest refreshes the tab (in the screen recording, this happens at 01:05), that he sees a disconnection event, followed eventually by a reconnection.
Here is a videorecording (logged-in account: left, guest: right):
I'm not sure this is due to my setup, so it would be great if this can be replicated and confirmed by someone else.
Talk app
Talk app version: 19.0.9
Custom Signaling server configured: 2.0.0
Custom TURN server configured: yes, coTURN stock version in Ubuntu Server 22.04
Custom STUN server configured: same as TURN
Microphone available: no
Camera available: no
Operating system: Ubuntu Desktop 24.04
Browser name: Firefox
Browser version: 124/125/...
Browser log
Server configuration
Operating system: Ubuntu Server 22.04
Web server: Apache2
Database: MariaDB
PHP version:
Nextcloud Version: 29.0.7
List of activated apps:
Nextcloud configuration:
Server log (data/nextcloud.log)
📄 To do (~10 entries)