Due to problems with the endlessly running cron.php, I identified the issue by finding the "long running job." By obtaining the start time of the PID from ps and searching the logs, I discovered that the issue lies with the "GenerateMetadataJob," which is hanging. This job starts but never receives a "Finished" event:
{"reqId":"T7WSKkyswz0F035LClQ6","level":0,"time":"2024-01-27T10:00:03+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"--","app":"cron","method":"","url":"--","message":"Run OC\Core\BackgroundJobs\GenerateMetadataJob job with ID 36764","userAgent":"--","version":"","data":{"app":"cron"}}
Additionally, the job is running twice or more:
[picard@borgcube ~]$ ps aux | grep -E "^http.*?cron.php$"
http 1944203 97.1 0.0 428316 4072 ? R Jan27 2821:33 php -f /srv/http/nextcloud/cron.php
http 1999635 96.8 0.2 428316 23768 ? R Jan28 1414:10 php -f /srv/http/nextcloud/cron.php
http 2055241 98.2 0.9 428316 75584 ? R 11:05 19:55 php -f /srv/http/nextcloud/cron.php
[picard@borgcube ~]$ ps -p 1944203 -o lstart
Sat Jan 27 11:00:01 2024
[picard@borgcube ~]$ ps -p 1999635 -o lstart
Sun Jan 28 11:05:01 2024
[picard@borgcube ~]$ ps -p 2055241 -o lstart
Mon Jan 29 11:05:01 2024
I'm not sure why this is happening, but I have an idea that it might be related to symlinks and/or multiple mounted devices.
Additionally, while investigating this issue, I read some code and would like to recommend changing the "funny if/else construct" for checking "onlyTimeSensitive" at line 122ff in cron.php with this single line:
$onlyTimeSensitive = ($currentHour >= $startHour) == ($currentHour > $endHour);
Thanks a lot!