External Storage with "other port" usage NEED TO PUT THAT IN DOCUMENT #941
My struggle experience for using external storage setup is that my host ftp is not use 21 as port, 21021 instead. Therefore, I do all possible combinations to test connection without luck. Finally, I found a only way which can pass external storage "test connection" and use it. This can be apply for all services that is not using default port for that service. e.g. sftp(22), ftp(21), ... etc. You can use any port here but need following wield setup.
Inside session:
[ ip address ] ip.ip.ip.ip:21021/ <== need to a slash right behind last digit of ip address text box
[ init access folder ] ./ <== very strange but working !
Please put that into nextcloud external storage document, otherwise, people will keep asking questions for setup and wasting a lot of resource for answering.
chao ~