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How to manage issues

Matthieu Gallien edited this page May 21, 2021 · 1 revision

Triaging Github Issues

Incoming issues should all have the bug or enhancement labels.

From that point we need to make sure they become actionable.

bug labeled issues

There can be 2 states:

  • We have enough information to act on it. It means that it is reproducible or there are really enough information such that somebody else (not the reporter) can work on a fix. We add approved label to it.
  • We are missing information to act on it. We add an explicit message asking for information and we add the needs info label.

Everybody should keep in mind that github issues are not a support channel. Customers of Nextcloud GmbH should go to the support portal and community people should go to We cannot afford to spent time doing support on github issues.

If this is done consistently, we can see what bugs need a fix. That is not preventing a bug to be fixed without realizing and still will require the list to be periodically curated for no longer reproducible issues.

Once somebody plans to work on it, the 1. to develop label can be added. That would be mostly done by employees of Nextcloud GmbH and not necessarily community contributors.

enhancement labeled issues

There can be 3 states:

  • We have enough information to act on it and the solution is obvious and just need to be done: we add approved to it.
  • We have enough information to act on it. The solution implies some discussions (team members, server, design, other relevant stakeholders). We add discussion to it.
  • We are missing information. We add an explicit message asking for it and we add the needs info label.

Once somebody plans to work on it, the 1. to develop label can be added. That would be mostly done by employees of Nextcloud GmbH and not necessarily community contributors.

other issues

Those are mostly for our internal use and synchronization or special handling.

Keep in mind that the information there should be useful for community members.