The goal of this repo is to provide the necessary sniffs for our custom coding standards, making sure that all NextPress products maintain a consistent codebase.
Our coding standards rely on PHPCS and WordPress Coding Standards. The easiest way to get everything up and running is installing this package globally via Composer:
composer global require "next-press/coding-standards:main"
This command will install PHP_CodeSniffer, WPCS, our coding standard, and PHP_CodeSniffer Standards Composer Installer, a composer package that automatically sets the PHPCS installed_paths
By default, phpcs
binary will be available at ~/.config/composer/vendor/bin
(on Linux machines). To make it available anywhere in the command line, it is necessary to add that folder to the env $PATH
On linux machines it is possible adding this line in the end of the ~/.bashrc
export PATH="$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin/:$PATH"
- Changed: Global install via composer with PHP_CodeSniffer Standards Composer Installer;
- Added: Initial version of the Coding Standards;