- Log in with your Quora's token
- Auto Proxy requests
- Get Chat Ids & Chat Codes of bot(s)
- Create new chat thread
- Send messages
- Stream bot responses
- Retry the last message
- Support file attachments
- Retrieve suggested replies
- Stop message generation
- Delete chat threads
- Clear conversation context
- Purge messages of 1 bot
- Purge all messages of user
- Fetch previous messages
- Create custom bot
- Edit custom bot
- Delete a custom bot
- Get available bots
- Get a user's bots
- Get available categories
- Explore 3rd party bots and users
- Share and import messages
- Support bots group chat (beta)
- First, install this library with the following command:
pip install -U poe-api-wrapper
Or you can install a proxy-support version of this library for Python 3.9+
pip install -U poe-api-wrapper[proxy]
- You can run an example of this library:
from poe_api_wrapper import PoeExample
token = "TOKEN_HERE"
Important The data on token limits and word counts listed above are approximate and may not be entirely accurate, as the pre-prompt engineering process of poe.com is private and not publicly disclosed.
Sign in at https://www.quora.com/
F12 for Devtools (Right-click + Inspect)
- Chromium: Devtools > Application > Cookies > quora.com
- Firefox: Devtools > Storage > Cookies
- Safari: Devtools > Storage > Cookies
Copy the value of m-b
Note Make sure you have logged in poe.com using the same email which registered on quora.com.
- Connecting to the API
from poe_api_wrapper import PoeApi
client = PoeApi("TOKEN_HERE")
# Using Client with proxy (default is False)
client = PoeApi("TOKEN_HERE", proxy=True)
- Getting Chat Ids & Chat Codes
# Get chat data of all bots (this will fetch all available threads)
>> Output:
{'chinchilla': [{'chatId': 74397929, 'chatCode': '2ith0h11zfyvsta1u3z', 'id': 'Q2hhdDo3NDM5NzkyOQ==', 'title': 'Comparison'}], 'code_llama_7b_instruct': [{'chatId': 74397392, 'chatCode': '2ithbduzsysy3g178hb', 'id': 'Q2hhdDo3NDM5NzM5Mg==', 'title': 'Decent Programmers'}], 'a2': [{'chatId': 74396838, 'chatCode': '2ith9nikybn4ksn51l8', 'id': 'Q2hhdDo3NDM5NjgzOA==', 'title': 'Reverse Engineering'}, {'chatId': 74396452, 'chatCode': '2ith79n4x0p0p8w5yue', 'id': 'Q2hhdDo3NDM5NjQ1Mg==', 'title': 'Clean Code'}], 'leocooks': [{'chatId': 74396246, 'chatCode': '2ith82wj0tjrggj46no', 'id': 'Q2hhdDo3NDM5NjI0Ng==', 'title': 'Pizza perfection'}], 'capybara': [{'chatId': 74396020, 'chatCode': '2ith5o3p8c5ajkdwd3k', 'id': 'Q2hhdDo3NDM5NjAyMA==', 'title': 'Greeting'}]}
# Get chat data of a bot (this will fetch all available threads)
>> Output:
{'a2': [{'chatId': 74396838, 'chatCode': '2ith9nikybn4ksn51l8', 'id': 'Q2hhdDo3NDM5NjgzOA==', 'title': 'Reverse Engineering'}, {'chatId': 74396452, 'chatCode': '2ith79n4x0p0p8w5yue', 'id': 'Q2hhdDo3NDM5NjQ1Mg==', 'title': 'Clean Code'}]}
# Get a defined number of most recent chat threads (using count param will ignore interval param)
# Fetching all bots
# Fetching 1 bot
print(client.get_chat_history(bot="a2", count=20)['data'])
# You can pass the number of bots fetched for each interval to both functions. (default is 50)
# Fetching 200 chat threads of all bots each interval
# Fetching 200 chat threads of a bot each interval
print(client.get_chat_history(bot="a2", interval=200)['data'])
# Pagination Example:
# Fetch the first 20 chat threads
history = client.get_chat_history(count=20)
pages = [history['data']]
new_cursor = history['cursor']
# Set a while loop with a condition of your choice
while new_cursor != None:
# Fetch the next 20 chat threads with new_cursor
new_history = client.get_chat_history(count=20, cursor=new_cursor)
# Append the next 20 chat threads
new_cursor = new_history['cursor']
# Print the pages (20 chat threads each page)
for page in range(len(pages)):
print(f'This is page {page+1}')
for bot, value in pages[page].items():
for thread in value:
print({bot: thread})
- Sending messages & Streaming responses
bot = "a2"
message = "What is reverse engineering?"
# Create new chat thread
# Streamed example:
for chunk in client.send_message(bot, message):
print(chunk["response"], end="", flush=True)
# Non-streamed example:
for chunk in client.send_message(bot, message):
# You can get chatCode and chatId of created thread to continue the conversation
chatCode = chunk["chatCode"]
chatId = chunk["chatId"]
# You can get the meaningful title as well
title = chunk["title"]
# Send message to an existing chat thread
# 1. Using chatCode
for chunk in client.send_message(bot, message, chatCode="2i58ciex72dom7im83r"):
print(chunk["response"], end="", flush=True)
# 2. Using chatId
for chunk in client.send_message(bot, message, chatId=59726162):
print(chunk["response"], end="", flush=True)
Note Display names are the same as the codenames for custom bots, you can simply pass the bot's display name into
client.send_message(bot, message)
- Retrying the last message
for chunk in client.retry_message(chatCode):
print(chunk['response'], end='', flush=True)
- Adding file attachments
# Web urls example:
file_urls = ["https://sweet.ua.pt/jpbarraca/course/er-2122/slides/er-1-intro_to_re.pdf",
for chunk in client.send_message(bot, "Compare 2 files and describe them in 300 words", file_path=file_urls):
print(chunk["response"], end="", flush=True)
# Local paths example:
local_paths = ["c:\\users\\snowby666\\hello_world.py"]
for chunk in client.send_message(bot, "What is this file about?", file_path=local_paths):
print(chunk["response"], end="", flush=True)
Note The files size limit is different for each model.
- Retrieving suggested replies
for chunk in client.send_message(bot, "Introduce 5 books about clean code", suggest_replies=True):
print(chunk["response"], end="", flush=True)
for reply in chunk["suggestedReplies"]:
- Stopping message generation
# You can use an event to trigger this function
# Example:
# Note that keyboard library may not be compatible with MacOS, Linux, Ubuntu
import keyboard
for chunk in client.send_message(bot, message):
print(chunk["response"], end="", flush=True)
# Press Q key to stop the generation
if keyboard.is_pressed('q'):
print("\nMessage is now cancelled")
- Deleting chat threads
# Delete 1 chat
# Using chatCode
client.delete_chat(bot, chatCode="2i58ciex72dom7im83r")
# Using chatId
client.delete_chat(bot, chatID=59726162)
# Delete n chats
# Using chatCode
client.delete_chat(bot, chatCode=["LIST_OF_CHAT_CODES"])
# Using chatId
client.delete_chat(bot, chatId=["LIST_OF_CHAT_IDS"])
# Delete all chats of a bot
client.delete_chat(bot, del_all=True)
- Clearing conversation context
# 1. Using chatCode
client.chat_break(bot, chatCode="2i58ciex72dom7im83r")
# 2. Using chatId
client.chat_break(bot, chatId=59726162)
- Purging messages of 1 bot
# Purge a defined number of messages (default is 50)
# 1. Using chatCode
client.purge_conversation(bot, chatCode="2i58ciex72dom7im83r", count=10)
# 2. Using chatId
client.purge_conversation(bot, chatId=59726162, count=10)
# Purge all messsages of the thread
# 1. Using chatCode
client.purge_conversation(bot, chatCode="2i58ciex72dom7im83r", del_all=True)
# 2. Using chatId
client.purge_conversation(bot, chatId=59726162, del_all=True)
- Purging all messages of user
- Fetching previous messsages
# Get a defined number of messages (default is 50)
# Using chatCode
previous_messages = client.get_previous_messages('code_llama_34b_instruct', chatCode='2itg2a7muygs42v1u0k', count=2)
# Using chatId
previous_messages = client.get_previous_messages('code_llama_34b_instruct', chatId=74411139, count=2)
for message in previous_messages:
>> Output:
{'author': 'human', 'text': 'nice to meet you', 'messageId': 2861709279}
{'author': 'code_llama_34b_instruct', 'text': " Nice to meet you too! How are you doing today? Is there anything on your mind that you'd like to talk about? I'm here to listen and help", 'messageId': 2861873125}
# Get all previous messages
# Using chatCode
previous_messages = client.get_previous_messages('code_llama_34b_instruct', chatCode='2itg2a7muygs42v1u0k', get_all=True)
# Using chatId
previous_messages = client.get_previous_messages('code_llama_34b_instruct', chatId=74411139, get_all=True)
for message in previous_messages:
>> Output:
{'author': 'human', 'text': 'hi there', 'messageId': 2861363514}
{'author': 'code_llama_34b_instruct', 'text': " Hello! It's nice to meet you. Is there something I can help you with or would you like to chat?", 'messageId': 2861363530}
{'author': 'chat_break', 'text': "", 'messageId': 2872383991}
{'author': 'human', 'text': 'nice to meet you', 'messageId': 2861709279}
{'author': 'code_llama_34b_instruct', 'text': " Nice to meet you too! How are you doing today? Is there anything on your mind that you'd like to talk about? I'm here to listen and help", 'messageId': 2861873125}
Note It will fetch messages from the latest to the oldest, but the order to be displayed is reversed.
- Creating a new Bot
client.create_bot("BOT_NAME", "PROMPT_HERE", base_model="a2")
- Editing a Bot
client.edit_bot("(NEW)BOT_NAME", "PROMPT_HERE", base_model='chinchilla')
- Deleting a Bot
- Getting available bots (your bots section)
# Get a defined number of bots (default is 25)
# Get all available bots
- Getting a user's bots
handle = 'poe'
- Getting available categories
>> Output:
['Official', 'Popular', 'New', 'ImageGen', 'AI', 'Professional', 'Funny', 'History', 'Cooking', 'Advice', 'Mind', 'Programming', 'Travel', 'Writing', 'Games', 'Learning', 'Roleplay', 'Utilities', 'Sports', 'Music']
- Exploring 3rd party bots and users
# Explore section example:
# Get a defined number of bots (default is 50)
# Get all available bots
# Search for bots by query example:
# Get a defined number of bots (default is 50)
print(client.explore(search="Midjourney", count=30))
# Get all available bots
print(client.explore(search="Midjourney", explore_all=True))
# Search for bots by category example (default is defaultCategory):
# Get a defined number of bots (default is 50)
print(client.explore(categoryName="Popular", count=30))
# Get all available bots
print(client.explore(categoryName="AI", explore_all=True))
# Search for people example:
# Get a defined number of people (default is 50)
print(client.explore(search="Poe", entity_type='user', count=30))
# Get all available people
print(client.explore(search="Poe", entity_type='user', explore_all=True))
- Sharing & Importing messages
# Share a defined number of messages (from the lastest to the oldest)
shareCode = client.share_chat(bot, count=10)
# Share all messages
shareCode = client.share_chat(bot)
# Set up the 2nd Client and import messages from the shareCode
client2 = PoeApi("2nd_TOKEN_HERE")
print(client2.import_chat(bot, shareCode))
>> Output:
{'chatId': 72929127, 'chatCode': '2iw0xcem7a18wy1avd3'}
- Creating a group chat
bots = [
{'bot': 'yayayayaeclaude', 'name': 'Yae'},
{'bot': 'gepardL', 'name': 'gepard'},
{'bot': 'SayukiTokihara', 'name': 'Sayuki'}
client.create_group(group_name='Hangout', bots=bots)
arg is the model/displayName.name
arg is the one you'd mention them in group chat.
- Sending messages and Streaming responses in group chat
# User engagement example:
while True:
message = str(input('\n\033[38;5;121mYou : \033[0m'))
prev_bot = ""
for chunk in client.send_message_to_group(group_name='Hangout', message=message):
if chunk['bot'] != prev_bot:
print(f"\n\033[38;5;121m{chunk['bot']} : \033[0m", end='', flush=True)
prev_bot = chunk['bot']
print(chunk['response'], end='', flush=True)
# Auto-play example:
while True:
prev_bot = ""
for chunk in client.send_message_to_group(group_name='Hangout', autoplay=True):
if chunk['bot'] != prev_bot:
print(f"\n\033[38;5;121m{chunk['bot']} : \033[0m", end='', flush=True)
prev_bot = chunk['bot']
print(chunk['response'], end='', flush=True)
# Preset history example:
preset_path = "c:\\users\\snowby666\\preset.json"
prev_bot = ""
for chunk in client.send_message_to_group(group_name='Hangout', autoplay=True, preset_history=preset_path):
if chunk['bot'] != prev_bot:
print(f"\n\033[38;5;121m{chunk['bot']} : \033[0m", end='', flush=True)
prev_bot = chunk['bot']
print(chunk['response'], end='', flush=True)
while True:
for chunk in client.send_message_to_group(group_name='Hangout', autoplay=True):
if chunk['bot'] != prev_bot:
print(f"\n\033[38;5;121m{chunk['bot']} : \033[0m", end='', flush=True)
prev_bot = chunk['bot']
print(chunk['response'], end='', flush=True)
Note You can also change your name in group chat by passing a new one to the above function:
client.send_message_to_group('Hangout', message=message, user='Danny')
If you want to auto save the conversation_log, just simply set this to true:client.send_message_to_group('Hangout', message=message, autosave=True)
- Deleting a group chat
- Getting created groups
- Getting group data
- Saving group chat history
# Save as json in the same directory
# Save with a local path (json only)
local_path = "c:\\users\\snowby666\\log.json"
client.save_group_history(group_name='Hangout', file_path=local_path)
- Loading group chat history
- How to find chatCode manually?
Here is an example, the chatCode is 2i5bego6rzetfsevv5g
- What are the file types that poe-api-wrapper support?
Currently, this API only supports these file types for adding attachments
.docx | .txt | .py | .js | .ts | .html | .css | .csv | .c | .cs | .cpp | |
This program is licensed under the GNU GPL v3. All code has been written by me, snowby666.
snowby666/poe-api-wrapper: A simple API wrapper for poe.com using Httpx
Copyright (C) 2023 snowby666
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.