Tags: newsnowlabs/dockside
Upgrade Theia (except arm/v7) to v1.56.0 including yarn.lock Include new modules: @theia/ai-chat @theia/ai-chat-ui @theia/ai-code-completion @theia/ai-core @theia/ai-history @theia/ai-huggingface @theia/ai-llamafile @theia/ai-ollama @theia/ai-openai @theia/ai-terminal @theia/ai-workspace-agent @theia/plugin-ext-headless @theia/remote
Allow ssh access to devtainers (#17) # Integrated support for SSH, VS Code & GitHub Copilot This significant release offers integrated SSH server support, and indirectly support for VS Code server and [GitHub Copilot](https://github.com/features/copilot). Dockside now facilitates: - SSH access to any devtainer by authorised developers; - use command line tools that benefit from key forwarding, such as `git`; - seamless [VS Code remote development](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/ssh) via the [Remote SSH](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh) extension. Dockside achieves this through: - Provisioning an SSH and a wstunnel server daemon for each devtainer. - Maintaining each devtainer's `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file with the public ssh keys of the devtainer owner and any other developers with whom the devtainer is shared. - A UI function to open SSH on a devtainer directly with a single click. - Setup instructions, integrated in the Dockside UI, for developers needing to install the wstunnel helper client and configure their local `~/.ssh/config` N.B. Dockside now enables SSH access by default for all new devtainers, though this can be disabled by setting `ssh.default=0` in `config.json`. See [documentation](https://github.com/newsnowlabs/dockside/blob/8a94c67737d9a584df220b4403a1ba0ac1dc4333/docs/extensions/ssh.md) for full details on configuring Dockside for SSH access and see the new Dockside UI for details on configuring clients to tunnel ssh over wstunnel. WARNING: Dockside now takes over control of `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` in new devtainers. Accordingly, SSH support is _not compatible_ with any profiles that mount over this file (or over ~/.ssh if the mounted filesystem contains an `authorized_keys` file). You should take care to disable SSH in such profiles as, otherwise, if you make changes manually to this file on a devtainer that has SSH enabled, your changes may be lost.