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Tags: newsnowlabs/dockside



Toggle v3.2.0's commit message
Upgrade Theia (except arm/v7) to v1.56.0 including yarn.lock

Include new modules:


Toggle v3.1.1's commit message
Add Dockside (on RunCVM runtime) profile and reorder profiles


Toggle v3.1.0's commit message
Remove redundant (or breaking) NODE_OPTIONS

- NODE_OPTIONS="--max_old_space_size=4096" used to be needed to allow
  Theia build to complete, but this now appears redundant on amd64/arm64
  and breaks the build on arm/v7


Toggle v3.0.0's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature.
Allow ssh access to devtainers (#17)

# Integrated support for SSH, VS Code & GitHub Copilot

This significant release offers integrated SSH server support, and indirectly support for VS Code server and [GitHub Copilot](

Dockside now facilitates:

- SSH access to any devtainer by authorised developers;
- use command line tools that benefit from key forwarding, such as `git`;
- seamless [VS Code remote development]( via the [Remote SSH]( extension.

Dockside achieves this through:

- Provisioning an SSH and a wstunnel server daemon for each devtainer.
- Maintaining each devtainer's `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file with the public ssh keys of the devtainer owner and any other developers with whom the devtainer is shared.
- A UI function to open SSH on a devtainer directly with a single click.
- Setup instructions, integrated in the Dockside UI, for developers needing to install the wstunnel helper client and configure their local `~/.ssh/config`

N.B. Dockside now enables SSH access by default for all new devtainers, though this can be disabled by setting `ssh.default=0` in `config.json`. See [documentation]( for full details on configuring Dockside for SSH access and see the new Dockside UI for details on configuring clients to tunnel ssh over wstunnel.

WARNING: Dockside now takes over control of `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` in new devtainers. Accordingly, SSH support is _not compatible_ with any profiles that mount over this file (or over ~/.ssh if the mounted filesystem contains an `authorized_keys` file). You should take care to disable SSH in such profiles as, otherwise, if you make changes manually to this file on a devtainer that has SSH enabled, your changes may be lost.


Toggle v2.4.2's commit message
Fix bug in handling Theia VSIX webview/mini-browser URIs

- Bug introduced by commit 978a597
- webview and minibrowser URIs must be explicitly parsed


Toggle v2.4.1's commit message
Allow dashes in devtainer names


Toggle v2.4.0's commit message
Migrate final development VSIX extension to extensions.json

- Richterger Perl language server now published on the Open VSX registry
  (see richterger/Perl-LanguageServer#98,
  which is now closed)


Toggle v2.3.1's commit message
Improve upgrade command

- Pull any new Dockside image, before upgrading, given this is what a
  user would typically expect


Toggle v2.3.0's commit message
On SSL certificate update, reload (rather than restart) Nginx config


Toggle v2.2.0's commit message
Fix display of git tag and short hash in Vue app footer

- when the executing user and the git repo's ownership do not match
  newer versions of git throw the error:
  "fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository"