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Encapsulate the TechSoup validation API calls into a single request


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Experimental header 'For Good' NGO Validation Service TechSoup Integration

CI GitHub release (latest SemVer including pre-releases) GitHub Tag Snyk

The 'For Good' Validation Service is designed to check the program eligibility of any NGO using TechSoup's API. In addition the standard response provided by the Techsoup API, this project provides functions like checking token and account validity and checking validation history before issuing a request to TechSoup. The repository contains 8 lambdas:

  • get-lookup-response: allow user to fetch LLR from the database,
  • get-validation-history: allow user to fetch history of validation from database. We are supporting AuroraDB with Postgres right now,
  • get-validation-history-adm: allow admin to fetch history of validation from database. We are supporting AuroraDB with Postgres right now,
  • manual-approval: allow for manual approval of a user by NR employees,
  • update-llr: allows for an update of large lookup response on the database,
  • save-attempts: allow user to save validation attempt to the database,
  • validate-account: check if the account already exist in the database, if yes then return the last validation date with the eligibility status,
  • validate-token: check if token provided by user is correct and last use was 30 days ago,
  • validator: core function to check eligibility staus based on Tech Soup APIs (Lookup API and Constraint API). Fetches data from those two sources to return the result for the user



  • Serverless framework
  • NodeJS in version 14 minimum
  • TechSoup API Access

Getting Started

Before installation set environmental variables in .env file. This file contains the REGION and STAGE variables. If those variable will be empty the default values will be provided:

  • STAGE=<stage_of_lambda_deployment>
  • REGION=<region_where_to_deploy_lambda>
  • LOOKUP_API_URL=<url_to_lookup_api>
  • CONSTRAINT_API_URL=<url_to_constraint_api>
  • CONSTRAINT_ID=<your_constraint_id>
  • SESSION_KEY=<your_session_key>
  • DATABASE_RESOURCE_ARN=<database_resource_arn>
  • DATABASE_SECRET_ARN=<database_secret_arn>
  • DATABASE=<database_name>
  • DATABASE_CLUSTER_NAME=<cluster_name>
  • NR_ACCOUNT_ID=<nr_account_id_for_monitoring>
  • NR_API_KEY=<nr_api_key_for_account_to_monitoring>

If you have serverless framework installed, type npm install and sls offline in your terminal in the project folder.


The lambda can be used in two way - offline and from your AWS account. The offline method is for testing purposes only and can be run with command sls offline. To deploy lambda function to the AWS, first you need to add to the .aws/credentials your client credential from your AWS. The section in the credentials could looks like:

[profile name] aws_access_key_id = <your_key> aws_secret_access_key = <your_secret_key> region = <your_region>

After that you can deploy the lambda to your AWS space by using command sls deploy --aws-profile <your_profile_name>

After deployment it is recommended to do a sync of terraform states with s3 bucket in case of staging environment the sync is done automatically, in case of production deplopyment the following command should be used:

aws s3 sync .serverless s3://${BUCKET_NAME} --exclude "*" --include ""

Deployment notes

Errors/warnings in GH Actions to ignore:

  • Deploy on tag
    • Deploy Lambda Functions
      • Cannot find module 'newrelic' or its corresponding type declarations.
      • Warning: Unable to find NR License key for extension validation; falling back to CloudWatch for transport.
      • Warning: Function "..." already will be handled with provider.layers; skipping.
      • Warning: No New Relic AWS Lambda integration found for this New Relic linked account and aws account.
      • Error while creating the New Relic AWS Lambda cloud integration: Error: ["data.cloudLinkAccount missing in response"].


To run all tests type npm test in your terminal in project folder.

You can import collection from tests/integration_tests.json to Postman and setup context. After deployment you should test if endpoints work (with and without api key)

Requests to each lambda function

In this section you can find description of each lambda (endpoint) with parameters required to make a call to API. Validates the eligibility status of the NGO using Tech Soup APIs (Constraint API and Lookup API).

Validator endpoint


  token: String
  session_key: String
  constraint_id: String


  "program_code": "PROG_CODE",
  "org_id": "org-id-123",
  "error_code": [],
  "eligibility_status": true,
  "org_name": "The Organization"

Possible custom errors

- Token expired: Verified: 'TechSoup Token expired'
- Missing required data: 'The session_key and constraint_id are not defined. Please define them in .env or send them as params in request.'
- Bad token provided: 'Bad token provided'
- Not qualified: 'Sorry you do not qualified'
- Wrong configuration: 'There are issues with lambda configuration, please verify it'

Validate token endpoint

Checks if token was already used by this account (is token in the database). Next checks if the account performed validation in last 30 days.


  token: String
  accountId: String


  Allow: true

Possible custom errors

- Bad request: 'Bad parameters provided to endpoint.'
- Token Already Used: 'Token was already used'
- Token In Retention Period: 'Token already used in the last 30 days'

Validate account endpoint

Validates account based on provided account id.


  accountId: String


  SUCCESS - 200 (If account exists)

  NO CONTENT - 204 (If account not exists)

Possible custom errors

- Bad request: 'Bad parameters provided to endpoint.'

Save attempts endpoint

Saves the attempt to the database.


  accountId: String
  token: String
  eligibilityStatus: Boolean
  orgId: String
  orgName: String
  reason: String


  CREATED - 201

Possible custom errors

- Bad request: 'Bad parameters provided to endpoint.'

Get validation history endpoint

Allows to fetch validation history data from the database.


  accountId: String
  orderBy: String
  orderAsc: Boolean
  limit: Number
  offset: Number
  orgId: String
  startDate: Date
  endDate: Date


  "attempts": [
      "id": 1,
      "account_id": "1",
      "validation_date": "2021-02-06 13:30:00",
      "org_id": "org-id-1",
      "org_name": "The Organisation",
      "eligibility_status": true,
      "reason": "",
      "token": "awesome@token"
  "records": 1

Possible custom errors

- Bad request: 'Bad parameters provided to endpoint.'

Get validation history admin endpoint

Allows to fetch validation history data from the database for the admin user.


  orderBy: String
  orderAsc: Boolean
  limit: Number
  offset: Number
  searchPhrase: String
  startDate: Date
  endDate: Date


  "attempts": [
      "id": 1,
      "account_id": "1",
      "validation_date": "2021-02-06 13:30:00",
      "org_id": "org-id-1",
      "org_name": "The Organisation",
      "eligibility_status": true,
      "reason": "",
      "token": "awesome@token"
  "records": 1

Possible custom errors

- Bad request: 'Bad parameters provided to endpoint.'

Manual approval

Saves information about account which should be validate mannually.


  accountId: String
  validationSource: String
  description: String
  orgName: String


  CREATED - 201

Possible custom errors

- Bad request: 'Bad parameters provided to endpoint.'
- Unauthorized: 'Probably the account is already manual approved.'

Get llr

Returns the lookup large response data for given org id.


  orgId: String


  records: [
      orgId: String
      response: String

Possible custom errors

- Bad request: 'Bad parameters provided to endpoint.'
- Not Found: 'No data for provided organisation id.'

Update llr

Updates client data with LLR of existing clients.


  token: String


  CREATED - 201

Possible custom errors

- Bad request: 'No token provided.'
- Not Found: 'No data for provided token.'
- Internal Server Error: 'Cannot save to the database...'

Defined Error Codes

During the verification process the Lambda sends request to the Lookup API then to Constraint API. We have defined internal response codes and error codes from the Constraint API. We are handling responses from Lookup API with our internal codes - for example invalid toke format.

1. Internal response codes
Message Internal Code Status Code
No token provided 40001 400
Bad token provided 40002 400
The session_key and constraint_id are not defined. Please define them in .env or send them as params in request 40003 400
Bad parameters provided to endpoint 40004 400
Verified - TechSoup Token expired 40101 401
Sorry you do not qualified 40102 401
Token was already used 40103 401
This endpoint does not exist 40401 404
No data for provided token 40402 404
There are issues with lambda configuration, please verify it 50001 500

2. Constraint API
Code Group Text Description
E00_1 System Unknow client program The program code being used is not a valid code forthis client
E00_2 Entity Offer not available for this entity type The entity type: “organization” is not valid for this program for this client
E00_3 Entity Entity not qualified The validation process is complete and the status for this entity is “Not Qualified”
E00_4 Entity Entity pending qualification Registration has been completed and the organization is in the process of being validated
E00_5 Program Timestamp error Time since previous qualification exceeds acceptable period for this program for this client
E00_6 Program Offer not available for this location The primary location for this organization is outside acceptable bands for this program for this client
E00_7 Program Offer not available for this activity code The activity code(s) (primary and/or secondary) for this organization are outside acceptable bands for this program for this client
E00_8 Program Offer not available for this budget The program code being used is not a valid code forthis client
E00_11 System Organization not found The organization can not be found using provided data point(s)
E00_12 System Agent not found The agent trying to act on behalf of the organization is not associated with the organization

Additional information

If you want to validate if the organisation is matching in your system/flow you need to implement this method by yourself. The definition of this method you'll find in src/utils/org-validator.ts.


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This project is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.


As noted in our security policy, New Relic is committed to the privacy and security of our customers and their data. We believe that providing coordinated disclosure by security researchers and engaging with the security community are important means to achieve our security goals. If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in this project or any of New Relic's products or websites, we welcome and greatly appreciate you reporting it to New Relic through HackerOne.


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Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Joel Worrall
Joel Worrall

💻 🤔
Norbert Suski
Norbert Suski

🤔 💻
Dominik Marciniszyn
Dominik Marciniszyn

🤔 💻
Joel Worrall
Jakub Kotkowiak


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


Encapsulate the TechSoup validation API calls into a single request




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  • TypeScript 99.5%
  • Other 0.5%