This script is a refactoring and extension of the script written by Fanjoe and published in this blog entry.
It takes the current incoming connections to the host where the script is run, checks those IPs against the AbuseIP Database and blocks them in Fail2Ban.
It allows you to set
- A whitelist of IPs which you don't want to be checked. Defaults to IPv4 and IPv6 localhost.
- A "Confidence" threshold above which the IP will be banned in fail2ban. It is compared against the newest report returned by AbuseIPDB. Defaults to 40%.
- A list of ports to check in the incoming connections, egrep formatted. Defaults to port 22 SSH.
- A "not reported" cache file name to avoid querying AbuseIPDB too frequently. Defaults to /tmp/banabuseip_not_reported_cache.
- A "cache threshold", in seconds, during which the cached IP in the "not reported" file won't be checked again against AbuseIPDB. Defaults to 4 hs.
- Curl timeout, defaults to 6 seconds.
- Iptables TARGET used to ban IPs, to check if the IP is already blocked. Defaults to REJECT.
This script requires the following packages/binaries installed in your system:
- curl (to query AbuseIPDB's API)
- iptables (to check if already banned)
- fail2ban (obviously)
- jq (to parse AbuseIPDB's responses)
Download and install the script somewhere in your $PATH and make it executable, ie.
. -
Modify it to suit your needs, particularly, the
variable. -
Add the fail2ban jail
cat >> /etc/fail2ban/jail.local << EOF
enabled = true
filter = banabuseip
logpath = /var/log/banabuseip.log
port = 22
- Add the fail2ban filter
cat >> /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/banabuseip.local << EOF
failregex =
ignoreregex =
- Add a cron entry to run this script regularly
crontab -e
*/3 * * * * /usr/local/bin/fail2ban_abuseipdb_filter >> /var/log/banabuseip.log
And that's it. You can run it manually, if you want.
Lot of room for improvement! Any PR/suggestion is highly welcomed! 😄