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Tags: nescode/osTicket



Toggle v1.12's commit message
osTicket v1.12

=== Enhancements
* issue: Upgrader Wrong Guide Link (osTicket#4739)
* iframe: Allow Multiple iFrame Domains (osTicket#4781)
* variable: Complete Thread ASC or DESC (osTicket#4737)
* issue: Strip Emoticons (osTicket#4523)
* feature: ACL (Access Control List) (osTicket#4841)

=== Improvements
* issue: Maxfilesize Comma Crash (osTicket#4340)
* issue: System Ban List (osTicket#4706)
* queues: Fix compatibility issues with newer jQuery (osTicket#4698)
* filedrop: Fix file drag and drop (osTicket#4719)
* issue: PHP 7.2 Plugin Delete (osTicket#4722)
* issue: Local Avatar Annotation (osTicket#4721)
* Selected Navigation Item (osTicket#4724)
* Issue: Attachments on Information Fields (osTicket#4730)
* issue: No Save Button On Quicknotes (osTicket#4706)
* Issue: Duplicate Tickets in Closed Queue (osTicket#4736)
* issue: APC CLI (osTicket#4731)
* users: Fix seaching of users (osTicket#4741)
* issue: Custom Column Org Link (osTicket#4755)
* issue: Internal Note Ignored (osTicket#4745)
* issue: PHP 7.2 Ticket Status (osTicket#4758)
* issue: Canned Response Variables (osTicket#4759)
* issue: FAQ Search Results (osTicket#4771)
* issue: FAQ Return Errors (osTicket#4772)
* Queue Columns (osTicket#4785)
* issue: Duplicate Form Titles (osTicket#4788)
* Issue: Exporting Tickets (osTicket#4790)
* issue: Organizations Users Sort (osTicket#4806)
* issue: Multilingual FAQ Category w/ Parent (osTicket#4812)
* issue: Task Print PDF (osTicket#4814)
* Issue: MPDF Export PHP < 7.0 (osTicket#4815)
* Quick Filter Fixes: (osTicket#4728)
* Assignment Restriction Issue (osTicket#4744)
* Issue: Saving Checkbox Values (osTicket#4798)
* Issue: Choosing Fields to Export (osTicket#4797)
* oops: Thread Variable Fatal Error (osTicket#4820)
* oops: Emojis Strip Korean (osTicket#4823)
* issue: iFrame On Install (osTicket#4824)
* Issue: Ticket Export Headers (osTicket#4796)
* issue: Organization Ticket Export No Filename (osTicket#4825)
* MPDF Issues (osTicket#4827)
* issue: sendAccessLink On NULL (osTicket#4828)
* issue: sendAccessLink On NULL v1.11 (osTicket#4829)
* Update (eccc57a, e5f4180)
* issue: iFrame Single Quotes (osTicket#4844)
* issue: Choice Validation Accept Punctuation (osTicket#4847)
* issue: ACL Move To Inc Files (osTicket#4848)
* Issues since v1.11 release (osTicket#4850)
* PJAX: Increase default timeout (osTicket#4855)
* Mime Decode - Encoded char (osTicket#4851)
* MPDF Tasks (osTicket#4856)
* issue: .eml/.msg Attachments (osTicket#4857)
* issue: Task EstDueDate (osTicket#4862)
* Bug fixes and enhancements for v1.11 (osTicket#4863)
* Mailer: Allow for ability to pass -f option as from_address (osTicket#4864)
* Ticket Link: Always return a link (osTicket#4865)
* Minor Fixes (e628373)

=== Performance and Security
* xss: XSS To LFI Vulnerability (osTicket#4869)
* jquery: Update Again (osTicket#4858)


Toggle v1.10.6's commit message
osTicket v1.10.6

Maintenance release for osTicket 1.10

=== Enhancements
* issue: Upgrader Wrong Guide Link (osTicket#4739)
* iframe: Allow Multiple iFrame Domains (osTicket#4781)
* issue: Strip Emoticons (osTicket#4523)

=== Improvements
* issue: Maxfilesize Comma Crash (osTicket#4340)
* issue: No Save Button On Quicknotes (osTicket#4706)
* issue: PHP 7.2 Ticket Status (osTicket#4758)
* issue: Canned Response Variables (osTicket#4759)
* issue: FAQ Search Results (osTicket#4771)
* issue: FAQ Return Errors (osTicket#4772)
* issue: Duplicate Form Titles (osTicket#4788)
* issue: Organizations Users Sort (osTicket#4806)
* oops: Emojis Strip Korean (osTicket#4823)
* issue: iFrame On Install (osTicket#4824)
* issue: sendAccessLink On NULL (osTicket#4828)
* Update (eccc57a, e5f4180)
* issue: iFrame Single Quotes (osTicket#4844)
* issue: .eml/.msg Attachments (osTicket#4857)

=== Performance and Security
* xss: XSS To LFI Vulnerability (osTicket#4869)
* jquery: Update Again (osTicket#4858)


Toggle v1.11's commit message
osTicket v1.11

Stable release for osTicket v1.11

osTicket 1.11

=== Major New Features
* Release Ticket Assignment (d354e09)
* Require Help Topic To Close Ticket (osTicket#4400)
* Disable Collaborators On Reply (osTicket#4420)
* Complete Thread Variable (osTicket#4613)
* Public Mark As Answered/Unanswered (osTicket#4612)

=== Enhancements
* Canned Response Select2 (osTicket#4311)
* filters: Move to the ORM (3c1bc3d)
* oops: New sessions require non-null data (0d58a28)
* issue: IE White Screen Of Death (osTicket#4346)
* Recipients Icon  View Email Recipients for Users (8c707b5)
* Collaborator Fixes: (a4de351)
* Collaborator Thread Event for Web Portal: (0b34753)
* Collaborator Tickets Visibility Fix: (98dc5d9)
* thread: getId On Non-Object (e3b333e)
* Email Recipients Revisited Corrections (731c9fe)
* Ticket-View Collaborator Collapsible Fix: (7be98ee)
* mailer: EmailAddress Object as Array (osTicket#4368)
* collab: @localhost Mailer Error (osTicket#4380)
* SavedSearch Fixup (eadccc2)
* Help Topic Inline Save Fix: (00a3be2)
* Email Name Format: (osTicket#4396, osTicket#4500)
* issue: Saved Searches Flags (osTicket#4395)
* queue: Improve queries necessary for rendering (osTicket#4342)
* status: Allow Reopen (osTicket#4411)
* Agent Default Queue: (osTicket#4412)
* Referral Assignment Issue: (osTicket#4414)
* Team Referral Check (osTicket#4415)
* Implement 'Select Active Collaborators': (osTicket#4420)
* Upgrader: Old search criteria (osTicket#4421)
* Advanced Search: TicketStatus / Status Name (osTicket#4423)
* Search All Tickets Setting (osTicket#4424)
* queues: Column Conditions Overwrite (osTicket#4445)
* queues: Row Conditions (osTicket#4444)
* issue: Multiple File Display (osTicket#4427)
* Staff Profile Updates: (osTicket#4462)
* Charset: Add generic transcode php_user_filter (osTicket#4469)
* issue: Image CID Attributes (osTicket#4477)
* Filter Action Saving Fix: (osTicket#4475)
* issue: Session form-data Files (osTicket#4482)
* issue: Default Help Topic Issue Summary (osTicket#4484)
* Implement Referral Internal Notes (osTicket#4486)
* issue: Existing User Registration (osTicket#4488)
* Adjust Filter Saving (49edbb3)
* oops: Selection Search Bug (osTicket#4495)
* Filter Action Send an Email Issue (osTicket#4502)
* Optimize Upgrade: Remove ThreadEvent 'state' Enum (ebca2f9)
* Creating Tickets with Attachments (47920c4)
* issue: Duplicate Personal Queues (osTicket#4503)
* issue: Newly Added Queues (osTicket#4504)
* Help Topic: Ignore invalid help topics (d93bb51)
* footer: htmlchars company name (f6687f0f)
* Thread Entry: Chucked body (aff9bcb)
* Filters: Cleanup filter actions on delete (6372b9c)
* orm: Add route to merge InstrumentedList (4a793a9)
* Search: Add duedate to base fields (b8bdd27)
* DateTimeFilter: Support empty value (95856cd)
* Export: Make Export Fast Again (osTicket#4479)
* DatetimeField: Format (8623ed6)
* Oops: Creating Tickets with Attachments (osTicket#4508)
* Column Annotation (2f7e3a0)
* Add NumericField (af829e8)
* Add Queue Columns Annotation as Fields. (aa0924a)
* Retain Help Topics for Emails (osTicket#4512)
* export: Field Display (8adbd37)
* Filter Action Validation Fixes (osTicket#4513)
* Advanced Search Column Conditions (osTicket#4514)
* Update Thread Events in Batches (bea99ae)
* Update Fresh Install Process (fce25fb)
* View All Tickets for User (osTicket#4528)
* Ticket Sources (osTicket#4534)
* Add period to DateTimeField (osTicket#4535)
* Form Attachment Issues (osTicket#4539)
* Attachment Names Issue (osTicket#4540)
* File Disposition (0c6e9ac)
* Primary Queues Buckets (osTicket#4538)
* Saving Changes to Filters (5f5951d)
* Event Migration Optimization (osTicket#4561)
* Add new API headers to whitelist (osTicket#4563)
* upgrade: Actually re-fetch the config from database (osTicket#4564)
* issue: Export Event State Error (osTicket#4569)
* issue: Delete User Error (osTicket#4570)
* Dashboard Statistics Issue (osTicket#4574, osTicket#4585)
* issue: ticket_link Fatal Error (osTicket#4575)
* Queue Counts (osTicket#4572)
* issue: Queue sort_id (osTicket#4577)
* FileUploadField Validation (osTicket#4581)
* Status Column: Fix display and sorting (osTicket#4582)
* queue: Top-Level Ticket Counts (osTicket#4580)
* Deleting the Default Queue (osTicket#4576)
* issue: Email Default Dept (osTicket#4588)
* issue: create_date Variable (osTicket#4589)
* issue: FAQ/Page Attachments (osTicket#4595)
* Forms: Field Permissions (osTicket#4593)
* Field: Help Topic Forms (osTicket#4601)
* Task Collaborators (osTicket#4640)
* Issue: Edit Export Column Heading (osTicket#4649)
* Clarify User Import Instructions (osTicket#4651)
* Issue: Duplicate Search Results (osTicket#4630)
* Issue: DynamicFormEntry render (26ebcae0)
* Issue: Filters (osTicket#4655)
* issue: Task Response With Collaborators (osTicket#4661)
* issue: Scrollable Quickfilters (osTicket#4663)
* profile: Reply Redirect (osTicket#4656)
* Oops: Modify 0 in Short Answer Field Fix (osTicket#4670)
* Issue: Mass Assign (osTicket#4671)
* issue: SubQueues Hide PersonalQueues (osTicket#4682)
* issue: New Ticket Field Permissions (osTicket#4683)
* issue: Remove Referral Borked (osTicket#4684)
* Fix crashes compiling language packs on PHP 7 (osTicket#4688)

== Performance and Security
* PHP v5.6-v7.2 Support (osTicket#4680)
* Latest jQuery Upgrade (osTicket#4672)
* Update To Latest mPDF (460b445)


Toggle v1.10.5's commit message
osTicket v1.10.5

Maintenance release for osTicket 1.10

osTicket v1.10.5
== Enhancements ==
* issue: Translation Flags Not Clickable (osTicket#4687)
* issue: Hide Task Loading Overlay (osTicket#4660)
* Issue: Tasks Within Tickets (osTicket#4653)
* issue: Dashboard Export Period (osTicket#4650)
* Improve the Staff login (osTicket#4629)
* oops: Remove DST From User Update (osTicket#4599)
* issue: Dupe Page Requests Fix (osTicket#4568)
* change old wiki urls to new doc urls (osTicket#4517)
* oops: Class GenericAttachment Not Found (osTicket#4481)
* issue: Duplicate Page Requests (osTicket#4472)
* forms: Render Instructions (osTicket#4494)
* accessibility: Screen Readable Actions (osTicket#4490)
* forms: Disabled By Help Topic Users (osTicket#4476)
* issue: CDATA Phone Contains (osTicket#4471)
* Tasks: Task visibility (osTicket#4467)
* issue: mPDF SetAutoFont RTL (osTicket#4466)
* issue: SelectionField nset (osTicket#4465)
* cron: Clean Expired Passwd Resets (osTicket#4451)
* sessions: Clear On Password Set/Reset (osTicket#4450)
* Make getFiles() return files (osTicket#4410)
* issue: mPDF Arabic Fonts (osTicket#4455)
* issue: Task Term Search (osTicket#4453)
* Relative Time Fixes: (osTicket#4452)
* perms: Alphabetize Role/Staff Permissions (osTicket#4439)
* issue: Ticket Filter Does Not Match Regex (osTicket#4443)
* Task Assigned Team Issue: (osTicket#4437)
* issue: FAQ & Canned Attachments Dropping (osTicket#4428)
* issue: Wrong Attachment Names (osTicket#4426, osTicket#4425)
* issue: Featured FAQs On Disable (osTicket#4416)
* issue: Deleted Field Thread Events (osTicket#4394)
* issue: Custom File Upload Dropping (osTicket#4406)
* issue: Priority Field Template Variable (osTicket#4390)
* issue: Client Side Thread Entries (osTicket#4383)
* Web Portal Fixes: (osTicket#4369)
* issue: jQuery Sortable Redactor (osTicket#4381)
* issue: CLI Deploy Missing Bootstrap Fix (osTicket#4363)
* issue: Client Side Column Sorting (osTicket#4362)
* issue: ChoiceField Template Variable (osTicket#4359)
* issue: TextThreadEntryBody Sanitize (osTicket#4355)
* issue: Installer Footer Copyright (osTicket#4351)

== Performance and Security ==
* Latest jQuery Upgrade (osTicket#4672)


Toggle v1.11.0-rc1's commit message
osTiket v1.11.0-rc1

Release candidate for osTicket 1.11


Toggle v1.10.4's commit message
osTicket v1.10.4

Maintenance release for osTicket 1.10

=== Enhancements
 * issue: Auto-Assignment Log (osTicket#4316)
 * issue: Language Pack Locale Mismatch (osTicket#4326)
 * issue: CLI Deploy Missing Bootstrap (osTicket#4332)
 * issue: User Import No Email (osTicket#4330)
 * issue: Ticket Lock On Disable (osTicket#4335)

=== Performance and Security
 * security: Fix Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities (osTicket#4331)
 * department: Error Feedback (osTicket#4331)


Toggle v1.10.3's commit message

=== Enhancements
 * issue: Org. User Account Status (osTicket#4219)
 * upgrader: Flush Cache On Upgrade (osTicket#4227)
 * issue: Outlook _MailEndCompose (osTicket#4206)
 * issue: Files - deleteOrphans() (osTicket#4253)
 * issue: Fix imap_open Disable Authenticator (osTicket#4195)
 * Check permissions before displaying Close Task (osTicket#4177)

=== Performance and Security
 * issue: Information Page Performance (osTicket#4275)
 * issue: Prevent Click Jacking (osTicket#4266)
 * orm: queryset: Fix circular reference error (osTicket#4247)


Toggle v1.10.2's commit message
osTicket v1.10.2

Maintenance release for osTicket 1.10

=== Performance and Security
* Prevent Account Takeover (be0133b)
* Prevent Agent Directory XSS (36651b9)
* Httponly Cookies (5b2dfce)
* File Upload Bypass (3eb1614)
* Only allow image attachments to be opened in the browser window (4c79ff8)
* Fix randNumber() (5b8b95a)
* CSRF in URL (285a292)
* AJAX Reflected XSS (e919d8a)


Toggle v1.10.1's commit message
osTicket v1.10.1

Maintenance release for osTicket 1.10

=== Enhancements
- Users: Support search by phone number
- i18n: Fix getPrimaryLanguage() on non-object (osTicket#3799)
- Add TimezoneField (osTicket#3786)
- Chunk long text body (osTicket#3757, 7b68c99)
- Spyc: convert hex strings to INTs under PHP 7 (osTicket#3621)
- forms: Proper Field Deletion
- Move orphaned tasks on department deletion to the default department (42e2c55)
- List: Save List Item Abbreviation (8513f13)

=== Performance and Security
- XSS: Encode html entities of advanced search title (osTicket#3919)
- XSS: Encode html entities of cached form data (osTicket#3960, bcd58e8)
- ORM: Addresses an SQL injection vulnerability in ORM lookup function (osTicket#3959, 1eaa691)


Toggle v1.9.16's commit message
osTicket v1.9.16

Maintenance release for osTicket 1.9

=== Performance and Security
* XSS: Encode html entities of cached form data (osTicket#3960, bcd58e8)
* ORM: Addresses an SQL injection vulnerability in ORM lookup function
    (osTicket#3959, 1eaa691)