Hi there, just a low priority issue, but i think the website "play" tab could use some updates. I propose the following:
a "developer" page. Basically you click on the author of a cart and you get a page where you can see all of his/her carts. Actually something similar is already present when you click on your name ( It would be nice both to search other games similar to one you liked and to share you own "production" with a single link.
A "popular this month" (or "this semester" or "this year") that shows like the "popular" tab but limited to carts uploaded the last month. This is becouse by now entries on the "popular" tab are more or less set on stone (they are unreacheable and being there gets the most visibility), while the new has a big turnover and stuff quickly disappear. Main page could show a selection from Popular this month and a selection of Popular of all times. This changes will give more exposure to new games that are good.
Also #616 if it sounds sensible.
I think the sources of the website are closed but if you want i could offer to help.
Masternama-8000 commentedon Sep 4, 2019
Yes, Secret Agents is copy game by M4jestik so I uploaded this game.
borbware commentedon Sep 8, 2020
"Popular this month" would be so good. It's quite difficult to find newer quality titles from the website! Another option would be a "Featured" section where some titles are hand-picked for showcase, and are listed newest first.
nesbox commentedon Sep 8, 2020
Unfortunately, I'm not a web developer and do website things very slow.
As a variant, I could open website sources and let the community improve it.
RobLoach commentedon Sep 8, 2020
If you're concerned about opening it up to everyone, a small team could do wonders. Depending on stack, I'd be willing to help out a bit.
nesbox commentedon Sep 9, 2020
msx80 commentedon Sep 16, 2020
i think opening website sources, either privately to a small team or publicly would be the best choice. I'd offer to work but lately i'm a bit swamped with my job and have not much time for hobby coding.
jf1x commentedon Sep 20, 2020
I'm a web dev and would be happy to submit some PRs for the website, if you choose to open it.
nesbox commentedon Jan 30, 2021
I added
new & popular
,most recent
andtop rated
filters to the cart categories.Where
new & popular
shows carts uploaded for the last month.nesbox commentedon Feb 1, 2021
Most popular developers
page commentedon Feb 1, 2021
Awesome, thanks :)
msx80 commentedon Feb 1, 2021
There's also a per-dev page, finally i can share my stuff with a single link 👍
Also: must.. resist.. urge.. to.. compete.. for.. top.. developers.. :)
#923: fixed FS dir back function, fixed SURF async cover loading
nesbox commentedon Feb 2, 2021
SURF also shows popular developers list as well as
filters.borbware commentedon Feb 2, 2021
Amazing! this makes SURF much nicer to use.
One SURF feature that I'd like to see in the future would be seeing all your liked games listed. It'd feel like you have your own TIC-80 game library :>
I do realise that this might not be that simple to implement, as it requires logging into your account, however.
nesbox commentedon Feb 2, 2021
@borbware Great idea, thanks 👍