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This grammar implements the vimdoc "spec" (ref1, ref2). Predictable results are the primary goal, so that output formats (e.g. HTML) are well-formed; the input (vimdoc) is secondary. The first step should always be to try to fix the input rather than insist on a grammar that handles vimdoc's endless quirks.


  • block is the main top-level node, delimited by blank line(s) or any line starting with < (codeblock terminator).
    • contains line and line_li nodes.
  • line:
    • contains atoms (words, tags, taglinks, …)
    • contains headings (h1, h2, h3, column_heading) because codeblock terminated by "implicit stop" (no terminating <) consumes blank lines, so block has no way to end.
  • line_li ("listitem")
    • lines starting with -/ (not +/*) are listitems.
    • consumes lines until blank line, codeblock, or next listitem.
    • nesting is ignored: indented listitems are parsed as siblings.
  • codeblock:
    • contained by line or line_li, because ">" can start a codeblock at the end of any line.
    • contains line nodes without word nodes: it's just the full raw text line including whitespace. This is somewhat dictated by its "preformatted" nature; parsing the contents would require loading a "child" language (injection). See #2.
    • the terminating < (and any following whitespace) is discarded (anonymous).
  • h1 = "Heading 1": ====== followed by text and optional *tags*.
  • h2 = "Heading 2": ------ followed by text and optional *tags*.
  • h3 = "Heading 3": UPPERCASE WORDS, followed by optional *tags*, followed by atoms.

Known issues

  • Input must end with newline/EOL (\n). Grammar does not support files without EOL.
  • Input must end with a blank line. Though this doesn't seem to matter in practice.
  • Spec requires that codeblock delimiter ">" must be preceded by a space (" >"), not a tab. But currently the grammar doesn't enforce this. Example: :help lcs-tab.
  • url doesn't handle surrounding parens. E.g. ( yields word
  • url doesn't handle nested parens. E.g. (
  • column_heading currently only recognizes tilde ~ preceded by space (i.e. foo ~ not foo~). This covers 99% of :help files.
  • column_heading children should be plaintext, but currently are parsed as $._atom.
  • modeline must be preceded by a blank line.


  • tag_heading : line(s) containing only tags, typically implies a "heading" before a block.


Steps to perform a release:

  1. Bump and tag the version:

    npm version patch -m "release %s"

    Choose patch/minor/major to indicate query compatibility:

    • patch for bugfixes (no changes to queries needed)
    • minor for added nodes (queries may need changes to use new nodes but will not error)
    • major for removed or renamed nodes (queries will error if not adapted), other breaking changes

    Ensure that Cargo.toml, pyproject.toml, and Makefile also have the same version.

  2. Bump to prerelease, without creating a tag:

    npm version --no-git-tag-version prerelease --preid dev
    git add package*.json Cargo.toml pyproject.toml Makefile
    git commit -m bump
  3. Push:

    git push && git push --tags
  4. Release the tagged commit: