DateTimeRangeValidator not usable caused by DateFormat validation or incorrect translation format type #3323
When using the DateTimeRangeValidator and submitting a form with such an date which is invalid, the following error messages are used: (See the placeholder definition in lower case "datetime")
The translation string like {1, datetime, datetime} goes through the DateTimeFormatter and validates by DateReader::validateFormatType
The validation here checks hard on camelcase value "dateTime" and so the translation placeholder "datetime" throws an error to be not a valid format.
Exception: Provided formatType, "datetime", is not one of allowed values.
Neos\Flow\I18n\Formatter\DatetimeFormatter_Original::format(DateTime, Neos\Flow\I18n\Locale, array|1|)
Neos\Flow\I18n\FormatResolver_Original::resolvePlaceholders("The given date must be after {0,datetime,datetime}", array|1|, Neos\Flow\I18n\Locale)
Possible solution:
- Change the placeholder string in all translation files for DateTimeRange from "datetime" to "dateTime"