This is an attempt to implement all kind of widely used Algorithms and Data Structures in the programming world using Java. Anyone can use it as a reference to implement those problems. If you have any suggestion, then please make an issue or contact me, I will be grateful to you.
- Implementation of Singly Linked List
- Deletion in singly linked list
- Insertion in singly linked list
- Reverse a singly linked list
- Move the Smallest and largest to head and tail of list
- Reverse Alternate K nodes of Linked List
- Middle element of Linked List
- Implementation of Doubly Linked List
- Insertion in doubly linked list
- Deletion in doubly linked list
- Reverse a doubly linked list
- Stack implementation
- Evaluate the postfix expression using Stack.
- Evaluate the prefix expression using Stack
- Get minimum element from stack
- Reverse a string using stack
- Stack Application (Balanced parenthesis)
- Infix to Postfix conversion
- Minimum bracket reversals for balanced expression
- Queue implementation
- Reverse a queue.
- Circular Queue implementation
- Implement Queue Using Two Stacks
- Priority Queue implementation
- Reverse first k elements of the queue
- Create a binary tree and print In-Order,Pre-Order and Post-Order Traversal
- Create a binary tree from array
- Convert a binary tree into its mirror tree
- Count the number of leaf and non-leaf nodes in a binary tree
- Print all paths to leaves
- Print binary tree with level order traversal
- Write iterative version of inorder traversal
- Create Binary Search Tree and print inorder traversal
- Deletion from Binary Search tree
- Given binary tree is binary search tree or not
- Height of BST
- Print binary tree with level order traversal
- Search in BST
- Insertion and deletion in max-heap.
- Check if a given tree is max-heap or not
- Convert min Heap to max Heap
- Sort Array using heap
- Breadth First Traversal of Graph
- Depth First Traversal of Graph
Singly Linked List
Doubly Linked List
Binary Tree
Binary Search Tree
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Selectin Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Count Sort
- Radix Sort