Patient and public involvement to build trust in artificial intelligence: a framework, tools and case studies
This repository has open source outreach and patient and public involvement (PPI) resources for increasing awareness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare. These resources can be used for teaching AI to the general public and patients.
Tensorflow and AI in the browser
An interactive animation to help understand how neural networks work
More AI in the browser and outreach materials
Materials for AI outreach for general public
Explaining privacy preserving analysis to the public using a comic
Better images of AI
Ethics in mathematics (comics)
AI for companies
Resources for training and teaching data scientists
Working with domain experts
A laptop/desktop/smartphone with an internet connection.
If you like or use this work, please cite the following manuscript:
Patient and public involvement to build trust in artificial intelligence: a framework, tools and case studies Soumya Banerjee, Phil Alsop, Linda Jones, Rudolf Cardinal, Patterns 3(6), 2022
Soumya Banerjee
If you like like or use this, please cite the following DOI:
and the following manuscript
Patient and public involvement to build trust in artificial intelligence: a framework, tools and case studies Soumya Banerjee, Phil Alsop, Linda Jones, Rudolf Cardinal, Patterns 3(6), 2022