- Facebook as a graph
- nodes = humans
- edges = friends
create edge
destroy edge
a click is a tuple (userid, userid, action, timestamp) representing
- an instance of user A interacting with user B at time t
- a new edge event when user A friends user B
add node (eg, new human makes an account)
At each node, we have a machine-learned embedding vector with the idea that the dot product of two vectors is how much two people should be friends.
If there is an event, we need to update the embedding
type human = (name, place, newsfeed)
type node = (id, embedding, human)
type edge = (node, node, event)
add-node : graph × human → graph × node
add-edge : graph × edge → graph
remove-node : graph × id → graph
remove-edge : graph × edge → graph
a sample ML model: initial-embedding : name × place × newsfeed → embedding
when we invoke add-edge, some of the embeddings in the graph will be updated.
Nodes: x_i is embedding of node i
(i, j, becomes-friend) => x_i . x_j high
Before event, we had xs such that {x_1, ..., x_n} = argmax_{x_1..x_n} (\sum_{(i,j) \in E} x_i . x_j)/(\sum_i |x_i - mean(xs)|)
Event E += (i',j')
x_k === x[k]
After E, we want xs such that {x'1, ..., x'n} = argmax{x_1..x_n} (\sum{(i,j) \in E} x_i . x_j + x[i'] . x[j'])/(\sum_i |x_i - mean(xs)|)
Tricky because edges (i,i') or (j,j') may already exist...