This repository is a submission for the course project of "Getting and Cleaning Data" offered via by JHU.
This dataset provides the per-activity, per-subject mean values for each mean() and std() measurement provided in the the below source dataset. This data set is provided in a "wide" tidy format. Please see for details on the content and format.
The original dataset is processed movement data from the accelerometers of the Samsung Galaxy S smartphone. Further information on the original project and data set is available here.
Four files are provided with this data set:
- - this file.
- - the code book which explains the format and contents of the data set contained in dataset.txt.
- dataset.txt - a text file format copy of the data set.
- run_analysis.R - an R script which will re-generate the data set contained in dataset.txt when provided with the original data set.
The data set can be read from the test file with the following R command:
dataset <- read.table("dataset.txt",
sep=" ",
check.names = FALSE)
First a copy of the source data set must be made available in the R working directory under the sub-folder "UCI HAR Dataset".
Original data set provided for this course
Second, source the provided .R file:
The dataset can now be generated in a text file by running the following command:
To acquire a copy of the data set in a data.frame, run:
meansData <- run_analysis( writeDataset = FALSE )
##License and Acknowledgements: This original data set was created via the below research:
- Davide Anguita, Alessandro Ghio, Luca Oneto, Xavier Parra and Jorge L. Reyes-Ortiz. Human Activity Recognition on Smartphones using a Multiclass Hardware-Friendly Support Vector Machine. International Workshop of Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL 2012). Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Dec 2012