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@marcelo-gonzalez marcelo-gonzalez released this 05 Aug 16:55
· 485 commits to master since this release

Release note revision history

August 12th

The release note was revised on August 12th to update the "Failover node" section.
If you haven't reviewed it yet, please revisit the changes mentioned below for the latest updates.

  • Failover node
    • Old failover procedure (Option 1)
      • Removed the "copy node_key.json" step.
    • Validator key hot swap (Option 2)
      • Added "Required Changes After Protocol Version Upgrade to 69".
      • Before protocol version upgrade to 69, the backup node's config.json should just match the primary node's config.json.

August 9th

The release note was revised on August 9th to include additional information. If you haven't reviewed it yet, please revisit the sections mentioned below for the latest updates.

  • Config changes - Important notes
    • What recommended changes to config.json imply
    • Notes on memtries
    • State sync config
  • Failover node

Protocol Upgrade Voting

This release contains two protocol upgrades. The first protocol upgrade introduces the congestion control feature, and the second upgrade introduces a set of protocol changes for stateless validation. There are therefore two relevant protocol version voting dates. This doesn't require any action on the part of node operators, as your node will follow the current protocol version's rules as long as you upgrade. Validator nodes will vote first for protocol version 68, and then for version 69 after 68 is adopted.

Voting for upgrading to protocol version 68 will start on Monday 2024-08-12 14:00:00 UTC and voting for upgrading to protocol version 69 will start on Wednesday 2024-08-14 04:00:00 UTC

Congestion Control

Relevant NEP: near/NEPs#539
RPC API change: #11419

Congestion control introduces a feature that's meant to limit the transactions and receipts included in chunks when a shard is under load. Before this protocol change, when a particular shard is under heavy load, users can often experience frustrating experiences where transactions take a long time to be included because there is a very long queue of delayed receipts that take up chunk space. When this delayed receipt queue grows to an unreasonable size, it can be difficult for users to understand when things will settle down and their transactions will begin to be included again.

The congestion control feature adds fields to the chunk header that indicate the load on the corresponding shard in terms of delayed and outgoing receipt gas, and the protocol rules limit transactions and receipts destined for congested shards, mitigating the problem of delayed receipt queues growing unbounded to unreasonable levels.

Things to note

Transactions can be rejected with a “ShardCongested” error if the chain is congested heavily

Stateless Validation

Relevant NEP: near/NEPs#509

This protocol upgrade is the main reason for designating this release as version 2.0.0. It will alter the roles of validators within the network and fundamentally change the process of validating state transitions. Currently when a node (validator or not) receives a new block and downloads all its chunks, it applies the transactions and receipts contained in those chunks by looking up and modifying values in the state of each shard. This means nodes need to keep the full state of all shards on disk. The stateless validation protocol upgrade will introduce a change that allows nodes to check the validity of chunks without needing to keep a local copy of the full state. There will be two roles after the upgrade: chunk producers and chunk validators. Chunk producers hold the state of the shard they are assigned to in memory and produce chunks for that shard. Chunk validators do not maintain any state locally and rotate on every single block to verify the state transition of a shard. A specific node may function both as a chunk producer and a chunk validator in the network. Whether a node is a chunk producer is based on stake: top 100 nodes by stake are chunk producers.

Changes to validator roles

Here is a high level summary of changes to validator roles


  • All validators
    • Serve as chunk validators
    • Additional network usage is expected
    • Less disk usage is expected
  • Top 100 validators by stake:
    • In addition to chunk validator role, serve as chunk/block producers and block validators
    • Do not have to track all shards
    • State of tracked shard is loaded into memory
  • All other validators
    • Don’t need to track any shard

Overview of different validator roles

  • [NO CHANGES] Block producers (top 100 validators):
    • (Same as today) Produce blocks, (new) including waiting for chunk endorsements
    • (Same as today) Maintain chunk parts (i.e. participates in data availability based on Reed-Solomon erasure encoding)
    • (Same as today) Should have a high barrier of entry for security reasons, to make block double signing harder.
    • (New) No longer require tracking any shard
  • Chunk producers (top 100 validators):
    • (Same as today) Produce chunks
    • (Same as today) Must track the shard it produces the chunk for
    • (New) Produces and distributes state witnesses to chunk validators
  • [New] Chunk validators (all validators):
    • Validate state witnesses and sends chunk endorsements to block producers
    • Do not require tracking any shard
    • Must collectively have a majority of all the validator stake, to ensure the security of chunk validation.

Reward calculation

Reward calculation will remain the same and be based on online ratio.

Changes to contract requirements

  • New size limits were introduced to limit the size of state witness:
    • Transaction size must not exceed 1.5MB (used to be 4MB).
    • Receipt size must not exceed 4MB (possibly it may be reduced further down to 1.5MB).
    • A receipt is not allowed to read more than 4MB of state during a single function call.
    • Total size of transactions included in two consecutive chunks is limited to 4MB
    • Cross shard bandwidth is more limited than before
  • Increased cost of sending receipts
    • Sending a receipt to a shard (cross contract call) will now cost 50 TGas / MiB. Previously the cost varied between 2-18 TGas / MiB

Config changes

This section outlines the configuration changes that node operators must apply to their nodes.


What recommended changes to config.json imply

Please note that the existing behavior of the tracked_shards config option referred to below is a bit counter-intuitive. For historical reasons, there are only two meaningful kinds of values, empty and nonempty lists. Any non-empty list (e.g. [0] or [0,1,2,3]) will have the node track all shards. An empty list will indicate that we don't need to track all shards, which will be the case for validators after the network has reached protocol version 69. The store.load_mem_tries_for_tracked_shards config option referred to below is a boolean that indicates whether the full state should be loaded into memory. This should only be necessary for validators. RPC node operators should keep this option set to false. If you set this to true for an RPC node, it may fail to respond to certain RPC requests.

Notes on memtries

As noted in the previous section, there may be issues if you set store.load_mem_tries_for_tracked_shards to true for RPC nodes. Until these issues are fixed, RPC node operators should refrain from setting this config option, and validators should refrain from using their validator nodes as RPC nodes. Please note that if you set store.load_mem_tries_for_tracked_shards=true on your RPC node, it may reach an inconsistent state that will cause issues even after reverting back to store.load_mem_tries_for_tracked_shards=false.

State sync config

In a previous release, we discouraged enabling state sync, as there were issues with state sync being enabled during a resharding. For this release, those issues are no longer present, and validators should re-enable state sync by setting state_sync_enabled=true in the config, as well as setting the state_sync config option to an appropriate value. The value of the state_sync key in the current default config at is the following:

  "sync": {
    "ExternalStorage": {
      "location": {
        "GCS": {
          "bucket": "state-parts"
      "num_concurrent_requests": 25,
      "num_concurrent_requests_during_catchup": 5

Estimated protocol upgrade timeline

  • Current Protocol version: 67
  • Voting on protocol version 68 upgrade: Monday, August 12, 2024, at 14:00 UTC
  • Protocol version 68 upgrade: approximately Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 17:00 UTC (2 epochs after voting)
  • Voting on protocol version 69 upgrade: Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at 04:00 UTC
  • Protocol version 69 upgrade: approximately Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 07:00 UTC (2 epochs after voting)

About transition period:
The transition period is the time between the initial voting on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 14:00 UTC and the upgrade to Protocol Version 69, which occurs 2 epochs after the second voting. Each epoch is approximately 13.5 hours, but may vary slightly. We anticipate the upgrade will happen around Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 07:00 UTC. To verify if the transition is complete, simply check the protocol version; it should read 69.

When to make configuration change

  • After upgrading to neard binary 2.0.0: Make your configuration changes once the neard 2.0.0 binary is applied BUT BEFORE voting for the protocol version 68 upgrade.
  • After protocol version 69 upgrade: Make any necessary configuration updates following the protocol version 69 upgrade.

Which section to follow

  • Top 100 validators (current block producers): Follow the section for Top-100 validators.
  • ​​Validators ranked 100-110 (current chunk-only producers with potential to become block producers): Follow the section for Top-100 Validators.
    • Note: validator rankings are based on stake and can change each epoch. If you're within the 100-110 range, consider following the Top-100 section to stay informed about block validation.
  • Validators ranked below 110 (current chunk-only producers): Follow the section for Non-top-100 validators.
  • RPC/Archival Node Operators: Follow the section for RPC or Archival Nodes.

Top-100 validator (highly recommended for validators ranked 100-110 as well)

Neard 2.0.0 on protocol 67 (before any protocol upgrade)

  • Upgrade node to meet hardware requirements:
    • RAM:
      • MainNet: 80+GB
      • TestNet: 40+GB
    • Network bandwidth:
      • Recommended burst capacity is 1 Gbps up/down.
      • Sustained usage rate will be below 100 Mbps up/down.
  • Set store.load_mem_tries_for_tracked_shards in config.json to true.
  • Set state_sync_enabled in config.json to true.
  • Verify that tracked_shards in config.json is set to a non-empty list (e.g. [0]).
  • Recommendation: apply network optimization below.

Neard 2.0.0 on protocol 68 (after the network upgrades to protocol 68, but before version 69)

  • No other action required.

Neard 2.0.0 on protocol 69 (after two protocol upgrades are done and version 69 is the currently active protocol version)

  • (Optional) Decrease the RAM capacity, new requirements:
    • MainNet: 32+GB
    • TestNet: 32+GB
  • Set tracked_shards in config.json to []
  • Recommendation: apply network optimization below.

Non top-100 validator

Neard 2.0.0 on protocol 67 (before any protocol upgrade)

  • Upgrade node to meet hardware requirements:
    • RAM:
      • MainNet: 32+GB
      • TestNet: 32+GB
  • Set store.load_mem_tries_for_tracked_shards in config.json to false.
  • Set state_sync_enabled in config.json to true.
  • Verify that tracked_shards in config.json is set to a non-empty list (e.g. [0]).
  • Recommendation: apply network optimization below.

Neard 2.0.0 on protocol 68 (after the network upgrades to protocol 68, but before version 69)

  • No other action required.

Neard 2.0.0 on protocol 69 (after two protocol upgrades are done and version 69 is the currently active protocol version)

  • Set store.load_mem_tries_for_tracked_shards in config.json to true.
  • Set tracked_shards in config.json to []

RPC or archival node

Neard 2.0.0 on protocol 67 (before any protocol upgrade)

No action required.

Neard 2.0.0 on protocol 68 (after the network upgrades to protocol 68, but before version 69)

No action required.

Neard 2.0.0 on protocol 69 (after two protocol upgrades are done and version 69 is the currently active protocol version)

No action required.

Hardware requirements

  • RAM (for both MainNet and TestNet): 24+GB
  • No changes to disk size and network bandwidth requirements

Network optimization

These are permanent recommendations for system tunables which apply for all protocol versions starting immediately. It is recommended to use the persistent configuration file so that the changes are not lost upon system reboot.

If you already have larger maximum buffer sizes configured there is no need to decrease them, but make sure to disable tcp_slow_start_after_idle.

Temporary configuration (does not persist across system reboots):

sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=8388608
sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=8388608
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem='4096 87380 8388608'
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem='4096 16384 8388608'
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_slow_start_after_idle=0

Persistent configuration placed in /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf:

net.core.rmem_max = 8388608
net.core.wmem_max = 8388608
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 8388608
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 8388608
net.ipv4.tcp_slow_start_after_idle = 0

Failover node


Now, there are two distinct approaches for managing failover nodes, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Please review both options carefully and choose the one that best fits your needs.

Important Note

A node cannot switch back and forth between setting store.load_mem_tries_for_tracked_shards to true or false. Consequently, during the failover procedure, a node operator may lose one RPC node when it transitions to a validator node. The team recognizes that this is suboptimal and intends to investigate potential solutions to address this issue.
The exception are non top-100 validators before version 69 is the currently active protocol version, because they set store.load_mem_tries_for_tracked_shards to false.

[Option 1] Follow the current incident recovery plan on the mainnet, which involves using a primary validator node and a secondary node

You may continue using the existing failover strategy with the current backup node if it tracks all shards (tracked_shards=[0] in the config.json file). However, you must update the config.json file to reflect the primary node configuration when restarting the backup node during the recovery process.


  • It is possible to use an RPC node as a backup node for any validator node.


  • A restart of neard is required before a backup node can be promoted to a new validator node.


  • Copy validator_key.json to the backup node.
  • In config.json file of the backup node:
    • set tracked_shards to match the recommended value for your validator node.
    • set store.load_mem_tries_for_tracked_shards to match the recommended value for your validator node.
  • Stop the primary validator node.
  • Restart the backup node.

[Option 2] Validator key hot swap

This new method enables the transfer of the validator key to another node with minimal downtime.
To minimize downtime, configure the backup node to match the configuration of the primary node,
then use the hot swap procedure (described below) to move the validator key without restarting the backup node.


  • No backup node restart is required during the failover procedure.
  • Failover can be completed in seconds, minimizing downtime.

Required Changes After Protocol Version Upgrade to 69

With stateless validation we require validators to have tracked_shards=[] and store.load_mem_tries_for_tracked_shards=true in the config.json file.
So we need to configure the backup node with mem_trie and specify the tracking validator node. Update the config.json file on the backup node as follows:

  • Add “tracked_shadow_validator”: “<validator_id>”. validator_id is also known as pool id.
  • Set tracked_shards to [].
  • Set store.load_mem_tries_for_tracked_shards to true.

It means that the hot swap method requires a dedicated backup node, as it does not track all shards.
Also, since mem_trie currently does not work well with RPC nodes (the team is working on improvements), the backup node cannot serve RPC functions for now.


With the changes made to the config.json file and the validator key hot swap procedure, the backup node can quickly assume validator responsibilities during a failover.

  • Copy validator_key.json to the secondary node.
  • [Optional] Remove “tracked_shadow_validator”: “<validator_id>” from config.json file of the backup node.
  • Stop the primary node.
  • Send a SIGHUP signal to the backup node (without restarting it).
  • The new node will pick up the validator key and start validating.
  • Retire the old validator node