D3 Force-directed-graph of kitchen work zones.
- http://ths.gardenweb.com/discussions/2767031/kitchen-work-zones-what-are-they
- http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/950642 -- the example
- https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Force-Layout
- https://thenounproject.com/ -- icons source
Inspiration also came from "House O" in Rubeshibe, Japan, designed by Jun Igarashi. I original saw it in Domus 931 from Dec 2009. There are different interpretations of the design, but what struck me was how it looked like a 3d house unfolded into two dimensions, such that you could see the connections between the pieces. It highlights the connections and the proportions. You can see some photos [here](http://ideasgn.com/architecture/house-o-hokkaido-jun-igarashi -architects/) or here, although what is really more interesting is the floor plan at the bottom of this article.