- Benevento, Italy
(UTC +01:00) - https://it.linkedin.com/in/nicoladenicolais
- https://ndenicolais.github.io/
Shox Public
This application allows you to create a digital wardrobe where you can save and view all your Shoes.
Dart UpdatedOct 4, 2024 -
ndenicolais.github.io Public
This is my personal portfolio to showcase my professional profile, skills, works, projects, and contact information. It is build with Flutter multi-platform.
Dart UpdatedOct 3, 2024 -
SpeechAndText Public
Android application built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose that shows how to use the functions Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech
DarkMode Public
Android application built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose that shows how to switch theme between light and dark mode.
Recorder Public
Android application built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose that shows how to record the input voice and save it in .mp3 files.
Onboarding Public
Android application built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose that shows how to create an Onboarding screen design process in Compose.
Kotlin MIT License UpdatedAug 28, 2023 -
ContactList Public
Android application built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose that shows how to perform CRUD operations in the Room database using Android Architecture Components and the MVVM Architecture Pattern.
ScannerCode Public
Android application built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose that allows you to scan QR codes and barcodes. In the app it's possible to copy the content of the code or share it with other applications.
PhotoPicker Public
Android application built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose that allows you to select between one photo or a multiple photos.
Kotlin MIT License UpdatedAug 28, 2023 -
LanguageSelector Public
Android application that allows you to select the language of the displayed text.
Kotlin MIT License UpdatedAug 28, 2023 -
Stopwatch Public
Android application built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose that allows you to time the time spent in a certain activity. Time can be started, stopped and resumed.
CountdownTimer Public
Android application that allows to set a countdown for a certain period of time. Time can be started, stopped and resumed.
EggCounter Public
Android application that shows a fun and simple application that counts the number of times you click on an egg icon that change his color everytime you click on it.
AndroidSwitchLanguage Public
App that allows you to change the language of the application by using list and spinner
Kotlin UpdatedDec 22, 2022 -
AndroidSpeechToText Public
App that allows you to perform an audio recording and then transcribe it into text files .txt
AndroidDarkMode Public
App that allows you to change the theme of the application by switching between light and dark mode
Kotlin UpdatedDec 22, 2022 -
AndroidSensors Public
List of functions that allow measurements to be detected using Android's device sensors
AndroidSQLite Public
App showing how to work with sqlite Database to insert, select, update, delete and view data in RecyclerView
Kotlin UpdatedDec 22, 2022 -
AndroidFolderCreation Public
Create a folder in External Storage with permissions for all Android's versions
Kotlin UpdatedDec 22, 2022 -
AndroidRecorder Public
A common case of using MediaRecorder to record audio and play recorder's audio.
Kotlin UpdatedDec 22, 2022 -
AndroidOnboarding Public
Onboarding is a virtual unboxing experience that helps users get started with an app.
Kotlin UpdatedOct 14, 2022 -
AndroidToastMessage Public
A toast provides simple feedback about an operation in a small popup.
AndroidAnimations Public
Abstraction for an Animation that can be applied to Views, Surfaces, or other objects.
Kotlin UpdatedOct 14, 2022 -
pwa-app Public
Progressive Web Application created with Vite.js based on React TypeScript template with the addition of React Router.
react-password-generator Public
Password Generator based on React with the integration of React Router
JavaScript UpdatedJun 23, 2022 -
qr-code-generator Public
QR Code Generator based on React with the integration of React Router
JavaScript UpdatedJun 23, 2022 -
react-digital-clock Public
Digital Clock & Calendar based on React with the integration of React Router
JavaScript UpdatedJun 23, 2022