This is the experimental gem package for the Ruby Nexpose command-line utility using the Nexpose gem.
This gem is heavily used for internal automation of Rapid7's Nexpose Enterprise Console activities and configuration.
Install it yourself as:
$ gem install nexposecli
nexposecli --help
or an example of running a query to list all active scans
nexposecli --config ./lab.yaml --list --SCAN
how to run an adhoc sql query and export via csv
nexposecli --run --QUERY --config ./lab.yaml --sql "select * from dim_asset"
or for more complex sql queries, put the sql into a file and run
nexposecli --run --QUERY --config ./lab.yaml --sqlfile ./new_assets.sql
how to list all reports defined
nexposecli --config ./lab.yaml --list --REPORT
how to request the console's version details
nexposecli --config ./lab.yaml --run --COMMAND "ver"
how to run an adhoc scan for a single ip or network cidr-noted range ( --id )
nexposecli --config ./lab.yaml --create --SCAN --id 1 --range
how to add a new custom role for configuration within the console ui, based on a copy of existing role
nexposecli --config ./lab.yaml --create --ROLE -n security-manager --description "New Role Name" --newname new-short-name
how to add a new user, with default password of "nxpassword" until moved to yaml config is supported
nexposecli --config ./lab.yaml --create --USER --name <username> --fullname "Full Name"
how to export packaged scan data in a single zip file
nexposecli --config ./lab.yaml --SCAN --update --scanpath ./ --action export --id <scan id>
where ./lab.yaml consists of the following:
user: nxuser
password: password
NOTE: Be sure to use your Nexpose Console's ip address and credentials
TODO: Write more detailed usage instructions here
Known Issues:
- Currently expects a ./logs directory in working directory
- A number of the target objects may not return anything to STDOUT without a -v
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at