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porterll authored Aug 9, 2024
1 parent 6e3bedc commit fad8acb
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Showing 27 changed files with 78,341 additions and 0 deletions.
1,297 changes: 1,297 additions & 0 deletions plots/figure_4/RfaH_unrelaxed_rank_001_alphafold2_model_2_seed_003.r0.pdb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,297 changes: 1,297 additions & 0 deletions plots/figure_4/RfaH_unrelaxed_rank_001_alphafold2_model_2_seed_003.r1.pdb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,297 changes: 1,297 additions & 0 deletions plots/figure_4/RfaH_unrelaxed_rank_001_alphafold2_model_2_seed_003.r2.pdb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,297 changes: 1,297 additions & 0 deletions plots/figure_4/msa_1_unrelaxed_rank_001_alphafold2_model_1_seed_000.r0.pdb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,297 changes: 1,297 additions & 0 deletions plots/figure_4/msa_2_unrelaxed_rank_001_alphafold2_model_1_seed_003.r0.pdb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

64,665 changes: 64,665 additions & 0 deletions plots/figure_5_and_s14/2hdm_2.msa

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,187 changes: 1,187 additions & 0 deletions plots/figure_5_and_s14/2hdm_A.pdb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

719 changes: 719 additions & 0 deletions plots/figure_5_and_s14/2hdm_mono_pred.pdb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,437 changes: 1,437 additions & 0 deletions plots/figure_5_and_s14/2hdm_pred.pdb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,044 changes: 1,044 additions & 0 deletions plots/figure_5_and_s14/2n54.pdb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions plots/figure_s12/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
import glob
import itertools
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser, Selection
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix

class CMAP():
Take in a PDB structure that was loaded using BioPython and produce a contact map

def __init__(self,structure):
target_file = structure; pdb = structure.split('/')[-1].replace('.pdb', '')
structure = PDBParser().get_structure(pdb, target_file)
self.structure = structure

def Create_Map(self, cutoff):
Create the contact map from the PDB structure
gaps should be filled in and homo-oligomer chain lengths should match
even if crystal density was not present
chains = {}
for chain in self.structure[0].get_chains():
residues = Selection.unfold_entities(chain, 'R')
residues = sorted(residues, key=lambda r:r.get_id()[1])
chains[chain] = [residue['CA'] for residue in residues if 'CA' in residue.child_dict.keys()]

coor_sep = np.array([[atom.coord for atom in chain[1]] for chain in chains.items()],dtype=object)
coor_idx = [[i for i,a in enumerate(chain)] for chain in coor_sep]
tot_idx,offset = [],0
for idx, coor in enumerate(coor_idx):
if idx == 0:
offset = offset + coor_idx[idx - 1][-1] +1
tot_idx.append([pos+offset for pos in coor_idx[idx]])
tot_idx_flat = [pos for chain in tot_idx for pos in chain]

coor = np.array([pos for chain in coor_sep for pos in chain])
dist_matrix = distance_matrix(coor[tot_idx_flat,:],coor[tot_idx_flat,:],p=2)

#contact map
contact_map = np.zeros((len(tot_idx_flat),len(tot_idx_flat)))
contact_map[dist_matrix < cutoff] = 1
contact_map[dist_matrix == 0] = 0

res_list = [res for key in chains for res in chains[key]]
combo = list(itertools.permutations(res_list,2))
res_idx = list(itertools.permutations(list(range(len(res_list))),2))

fill = []
for key,idx in zip(combo,res_idx):
key_a,key_b = key[0],key[1]
if key_a.parent is not None and key_b.parent is not None and idx[1] > idx[0]:
a = np.array([key_a.parent.child_dict[key].coord for key in key_a.parent.child_dict])
b = np.array([key_b.parent.child_dict[key].coord for key in key_b.parent.child_dict])
dist_temp = distance_matrix(a,b,p=2)
if np.sum(dist_temp <= cutoff).astype(bool):
for i,j in fill:
contact_map[i][j] = 1

#last remove hits within +-3 of the diagonal
mask = np.zeros((len(tot_idx_flat),len(tot_idx_flat)))
mask = np.abs(np.arange(len(tot_idx_flat)) - np.arange(len(tot_idx_flat))[:,np.newaxis]) <= 3
contact_map[mask] = 0

#upper triangle is a contact map that represents every contact between any heavy atom of two residues
#lower triangle is a contact map that represents contacts between CAs of two residues
tu = np.triu_indices(contact_map.shape[0])
contact_map[tu[::-1]] = contact_map[tu]

#create a mask that makes oligomers easier to visualize
#as is this will only handle up to 5 chains, makes interchain squares darker
mask = np.zeros((len(tot_idx_flat),len(tot_idx_flat)))
perm = list(range(len(tot_idx)))
perm = [p for p in itertools.permutations(perm, r=2) if p[0] < p[1]]

value = 0.2
for i in perm:
mask_idx = np.array(list(itertools.product(tot_idx[i[0]],tot_idx[i[1]])))

mask[mask_idx[:,0],mask_idx[:,1]] = 1 - int(i[1]-i[0])*value
mask[mask_idx[:,1],mask_idx[:,0]] = 1 - int(i[1]-i[0])*value

return contact_map,mask

def pad_with(vector,pad_width,iaxis,kwargs):
custom paramter to create a padded edge of a given value around an np.array using np.pad()
pad_value = kwargs.get('padder', 0)
vector[:pad_width[0]] = pad_value
vector[-pad_width[1]:] = pad_value

def overlap_definition(A, B, mtx_return=False):
#pad edges for sliding window consistency
padded_A = np.pad(A, ((1,1),(1,1)), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
#Extract all possible windows
windows = np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(padded_A, (3,3))
#positions with contacts
mask_1 = np.where(B == 1)
mask_2 = np.where(B == 2)
mask_3 = np.where(B == 3)
#find number of contacts in B that match a (3,3) window in A that has a nonzero elements
matches_1 = np.any(windows[mask_1] != 0, axis=(-1,-2))
matches_2 = np.any(windows[mask_2] != 0, axis=(-1,-2))
matches_3 = np.any(windows[mask_3] != 0, axis=(-1,-2))

# return B array with +s where a +-1 match in A exists and -s where they don't exist
# 0s where no contact exists, this function retains the type of contact
if mtx_return == True:
B_true = np.copy(B)
B_true[mask_1] = matches_1 * 1
B_true[mask_2] = matches_2 * 2
B_true[mask_3] = matches_3 * 3

B_false = np.copy(B)
B_false[mask_1] = ~matches_1 * 1
B_false[mask_2] = ~matches_2 * 2
B_false[mask_3] = ~matches_3 * 3
B_false = B_false*-1
return B_true + B_false
return sum([*matches_1, *matches_2, *matches_3])

def MTX_comparison(cmap_down, cmap_up, mtx):
up_rgba = np.full((*cmap_up.shape, 4), (255/255, 168/255, 0/255, 0) , dtype='f') #orange
up_rgba[np.where(cmap_up == 1)] = (255/255, 168/255, 0/255, 1)

down_rgba = np.full((*cmap_down.shape, 4), (0/255, 87/255, 255/255, 0) , dtype='f') #blue2
down_rgba[np.where(cmap_down == 1)] = (0/255, 87/255, 255/255, 1)

tri_upper_idx = np.triu_indices(mtx.shape[0])
tri_lower_idx = np.tril_indices(mtx.shape[0])

up_rgba[np.where((up_rgba[:,:,-1] == 1) & (down_rgba[:,:,-1] == 1))] = (0,0,0,1)
down_rgba[np.where((up_rgba[:,:,-1] == 1) & (down_rgba[:,:,-1] == 1))] = (0,0,0,1)

rgba_cmap = np.empty_like(up_rgba)
rgba_cmap[tri_lower_idx] = up_rgba[tri_lower_idx]
rgba_cmap[tri_upper_idx] = down_rgba[tri_upper_idx]

up_rgba[tri_lower_idx[0], tri_lower_idx[1], -1] = up_rgba[tri_lower_idx[0], tri_lower_idx[1], -1] * mtx[tri_lower_idx]
down_rgba[tri_upper_idx[0], tri_upper_idx[1], -1] = down_rgba[tri_upper_idx[0], tri_upper_idx[1], -1] * mtx[tri_upper_idx]

rgba_zscore = np.empty_like(up_rgba)
rgba_zscore[tri_lower_idx] = up_rgba[tri_lower_idx]
rgba_zscore[tri_upper_idx] = down_rgba[tri_upper_idx]

return rgba_cmap, rgba_zscore

def OCTO_PLOT(cmap_down, cmap_up, msa_tr, distogram, name):

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(18,8))

for idx, (msa, dist) in enumerate(zip(msa_tr, distogram)):
msa = np.load(msa)
dist = np.load(dist)
rgba_cmap, rgba_zscore = MTX_comparison(cmap_down, cmap_up, msa)

ax[0][idx].imshow(rgba_zscore, interpolation='none')

mask = np.abs(np.arange(dist.shape[0]) - np.arange(dist.shape[0])[:,None]) <= 2
dist[mask] = np.nan

ax[1][idx].imshow(dist, interpolation='none', cmap = 'Greys')
ax[1][idx].imshow(rgba_cmap, interpolation='none', alpha = 0.35)
plt.savefig(f'{name}.png', dpi = 600)

dir_path = glob.glob("rfah/*")
numpy_files = [file for file in dir_path if '.npy' in file]

dist_files = sorted([file for file in dir_path if 'distogram' in file and '.npy' in file])
coev_files = sorted([file for file in dir_path if 'extra' in file and '.npy' in file])

#rfah structures
rfah_beta = 'rfah/RfaH_unrelaxed_rank_005_alphafold2_model_1_seed_001.r3.pdb'
rfah_alpha = 'rfah/RfaH_unrelaxed_rank_004_alphafold2_model_2_seed_000.r3.pdb'
down_structure = rfah_beta; up_structure = rfah_alpha;
states = ['active', 'autoinhibited']

Cmap_up = CMAP(up_structure) #cmap object now contains structural information!!!
cmap_up,mask_up = Cmap_up.Create_Map(cutoff=8) # cutoff in angstom
Cmap_down = CMAP(down_structure) #cmap object now contains structural information!!!
cmap_down,mask_down = Cmap_down.Create_Map(cutoff=8) # cutoff in angstom

OCTO_PLOT(cmap_down, cmap_up, msa_tr=coev_files, distogram=dist_files, name='rfah')

# no recycles
dir_path = glob.glob("rfah_no_recycles/*")
numpy_files = [file for file in dir_path if '.npy' in file]

dist_files = sorted([file for file in dir_path if 'distogram' in file and '.npy' in file])
coev_files = sorted([file for file in dir_path if 'extra' in file and '.npy' in file])

OCTO_PLOT(cmap_down, cmap_up, msa_tr=coev_files, distogram=dist_files, name='rfah_no_recycles')
Binary file added plots/figure_s12/rfah.png
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