This project was created for a Scala Toronto Talk.
Slides are located here
The idea in this talk is to implement a JSON serializer library that we can use with the least amount of effort possible, and the least amount of bleed into our business design.
It starts with a standard OOP design pattern and then uses some of Scala's functional design patterns to implement more levels of abstraction.
This branch is the initial OOP design.
The JSON language is made up of some specific objects:
- Boolean
- Number
- String
- Array
- Object
Each Noun in our language can be "stringified", meaning it can be converted to a String which can be easily sent across the network.
We start with defining an abstract class to represent the language, with our stringify
method to convert each of our Nouns into their String representation.
abstract class Json {
def stringify: String
Then each of the Nouns within the JSON language are implemented as classes and inherit from our language base.
class JsonBoolean(b: Boolean) extends Json {
override def stringify = b.toString
class JsonNumber(n: Double) extends Json {
override def stringify =
if (n % 1 == 0) n.toInt.toString
else n.toString
class JsonString(s: String) extends Json {
override def stringify = "\"" + s + "\""
class JsonArray(elements: Json*) extends Json {
override def stringify = "[" +", ") + "]"
class JsonObject(pairs: (String, Json)*) extends Json {
private val stringifyPair = ((k: String, v: Json) => {
val key = new JsonString(k).stringify
val value = v.stringify
s"$key: $value"
override def stringify = "{" +", ") + "}"
The business model of the application is a Family. A Family has a Name, a mother, a father, and children.
Each family member is represented as a Person, and a Person has a Name, an Age and is either Alive or Dead
class Person(name: String, age: Int, alive: Boolean, nickName: Option[String])
class Family(surName: String, mother: Person, father: Person, children: List[Person])
We want to represent our Business Model as JSON so we can send it across the internet.
To do this we extend our models from JSON and implement the stringify
class Person(name: String, age: Int, alive: Boolean, nickName: Option[String]) extends Json {
override def stringify =
if (nickName.isEmpty) new JsonObject(
"name" -> new JsonString(name),
"age" -> new JsonNumber(age),
"alive" -> new JsonBoolean(alive)
).stringify else new JsonObject(
"name" -> new JsonString(name),
"age" -> new JsonNumber(age),
"alive" -> new JsonBoolean(alive),
"nickname" -> new JsonString(nickName.get)
class Family(surName: String, mother: Person, father: Person, children: List[Person]) extends Json {
override def stringify = new JsonObject(
"surName" -> new JsonString(surName),
"mother" -> mother,
"father" -> father,
"children" -> new JsonArray(children: _*)
Now let's put it all together.
val homer = new Person(name = "Homer", age = 37, alive = true, nickName = Some("Mr. Sparkle"))
val marge = new Person(name = "Marge", age = 34, alive = true, nickName = None)
val bart = new Person(name = "Bart", age = 10, alive = true, nickName = Some("El Barto"))
val lisa = new Person(name = "Lisa", age = 8, alive = true, nickName = None)
val maggie = new Person(name = "Maggie", age = 1, alive = true, nickName = None)
val simpsons = new Family(
surName = "Simpson",
mother = marge,
father = homer,
children = List(bart, lisa, maggie)
{"surName": "Simpson", "mother": {"name": "Marge", "age": 34, "alive": true}, "father": {"name": "Homer", "age": 37, "alive": true, "nickname": "Mr. Sparkle"}, "children": [{"name": "Bart", "age": 10, "alive": true, "nickname": "El Barto"}, {"name": "Lisa", "age": 8, "alive": true}, {"name": "Maggie", "age": 1, "alive": true}]}