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Tags: nbardy/cryogen



Toggle 0.3.0's commit message
Add Lotus theme to Cryogen (cryogen-project#153)

* Update for some CSS/Sass inconsistencies

Created “css” dir, with example CSS and Sass files inside, and added it to :resources list.
Removed :sass-dest key from config (should still work with old cryogen-core, since it’ll default to “css” if missing) - pucoming cryogen-core changes always compile Sass to same directory
Updated docs to remove :sass-dest

* Added Lotus theme

* Made img links relative
Fixed bug in title tag

* Made weird hack to split blog title with <br>'s, since Selmer has no way to split strings, and I don't have a good way to add a custom filter in a theme...

* Fixed missing menu opening behavior
Updated image URLs to handle blog prefix
Removed hacky way of tightening blog title text

* Added config.edn for Lotus theme
Added README with installation instructions on changing the logo and social media links

* Fixed minor typo in Lotus theme README


Toggle 0.2.60's commit message
version 0.2.60


Toggle 0.2.58's commit message
bump up cryogen-core


Toggle 0.2.57's commit message
update sass stuff to align with schema


Toggle 0.2.56's commit message
update config file and bump version/deps


Toggle 0.2.53's commit message
update deps and version number


Toggle 0.2.26's commit message
Merge branch 'sbondaryev-feature/resource-example'


Toggle 0.2.25's commit message
Bump up versions


Toggle 0.2.24's commit message
Added tags template and preview pages template


Toggle 0.2.22's commit message
Config based themes