Using state of the art DensetNet architecture for object recognition as a pretrained model and Pytorch library for Deep Learning, I showcased the use of Transfer Learning by replacing the last fully connected linear layer with another fully connected layer with the number of output features = 5 classes as per our use case. All the previous layers were frozen and the network trained on our dataset updating only the weights of the last layer. The early layers were able to recognizse basic features as the original model trained on 1000 classes of imagenet dataset. By updating the last layer I combined these features into 5 classes for our dataset. As a result, I was able to achieve 89.3% accuracy on the Training set and 82.2% accuracy on the Validation Set within only 15 epochs.
I used the dataset called 'Flowers Recognition'. This dataset consists of 5 classes of flowers - daisy, dandelion, rose, sunflower and tulip. It contains 4242 images of flowers, but for the purposes of this Task, I reduced the number of images to 950 images (747 in training dataset and 203 in validation dataset).
I used the torchvision.datasets module of the torchvision package to transform the raw flowers dataset to tensors which can be used as an input to the model.
Using DataLoader package of torch.utils, I converted the dataset into a data loader object which outputs batches of images to the model for faster training
Using torchvision.datasets, I loaded a pretrained model based on DenseNet architecture. I froze all the weights parameter of the network using requires_grad = False. The last layer of fully connected layer with 1000 output features was converted into a fc layer of 5 output features corresponding to our dataset of 5 classes. For this layer requires_grad was kept to True to unfreeze the layer so that its weights will be trainable.
The Loss function used is CrossEntropyLoss for categorical variables. The optimizer used is Stochastic Gradient Descent. Number of epochs for training = 15 Batch Size for the dataset loader = 10
Here are some of the results after the training from the validation dataset
Best Validation Accuracy = 82.2% Best Training Accuracy = 89.3%
Thank You,
Navpreet Singh